Catering department accepting standing orders

The following is a note from The Nebraska Medical Center’s catering department.

In an effort to serve you efficiently, The Nebraska Medical Center Catering Department is now accepting “Standing Order Requests” for the July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 calendar year.

Click here to find the “Standing Order Form.”

Only completed forms will be entered. Please do not refer to requests as “same as last year.” Please complete the form and return to

Catering needs a complete request each year. Requests for catering space that include food and beverage service will be given first priority.

Our rooms are designed for ease of meal service and include such supplies as linens, assorted table set-ups, and service staff. For more information on our service standards, please e-mail for the “Catering Guidelines.” The following dates will be unavailable for standing orders:

  • July 4
  • Sept. 3
  • Nov. 22-25
  • Dec. 25
  • Jan. 1
  • May 29, 2008 (Memorial Day)

Please share this information with anyone in your department that may be planning events.

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