Survey to help UNMC assess its campus climate

Five years have passed since UNMC’s first-ever environmental assessment study on creating a culturally competent organization.

Now, UNMC officials are asking every faculty and staff member to repeat the survey to determine how the university climate has changed since 2002.

Campus groups began taking the confidential, 52-question survey — administered by consultant Deborah Mabry-Strong — in early March; UNMC officials hope all groups are surveyed by late April.

To ensure confidentiality, survey results will be sent to and analyzed by an external agency. Information obtained from the survey will help provide baseline and follow-up data on how individuals at UNMC feel about the organization in such areas as:

  • Management and leadership;
  • Employees’ ability to succeed;
  • Employees’ beliefs in their ability to participate fully in UNMC activities;
  • Diversity and cultural competency issues; and
  • Safety concerns.

Areas of concerns that are identified through the survey will lead to focus groups and the development of appropriate educational opportunities or, possibly, policy changes.

About 75 percent of the campus was surveyed in 2002 and UNMC officials want to see every medical center employee surveyed this time around.

The initial survey was instrumental in developing a variety of programs, including:

  • Foundations for Success — a leadership development program for entry-level and non-supervisory office and service employees;
  • Management Series — a training series for existing managers and supervisors;
  • Trainer of Trainers — individuals from different departments trained to provide training and technical assistance;
  • Resource library — develop a collection of resources on cultural competence and human diversity; and
  • Cultural competence lectures for students — lectures and interactive discussions for students.

For additional information about the survey, contact Mabry-Strong at 552-0586 (external number) or or Denise Chapman at 559-3994 or

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