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Daylight Savings reminder

Yesterday was the first day of Daylight Savings Time.

Please double check your calendar entries and verify they are correct. While ITS has installed numerous “patches” to correct calendaring problems associated with the time change, it is still possible that calendar entries may appear one hour off, especially if your computer’s clock settings are not checked to “Automatically Adjust for Daylight Savings Time.”

To check, double click the clock in the lower right corner of your task bar, click the “Time Zone” tab, and then make sure the box by “Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving change” contains a checkmark.

Home computers should also be checked for daylight savings time settings using these same steps.

If you notice calendar entries are not correct, you may have to re-open your calendar entry and uncheck “Different Time Zone.” If you are unable to change the meeting, the person who scheduled the meeting must re-open, disable the different time zone and save the entry.

If you have questions, contact the UNMC Helpdesk at 559-7700. For additional instructions, click here.

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