Physical therapy Class of ’09 initiated at white coat ceremony

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Eugene Svec, president of the Physical Therapy Alumni Chapter, helps Sarah Halsey with her white coat.

Thirty-nine pressed white coats recently hung at the front of the Durham Research Center auditorium.

A card in the pocket revealed the name of the UNMC physical therapy education alumnus that sponsored the coat.

That detail — tucked in 39 pockets — was a unique feature of the UNMC Division of Physical Therapy Education’s Class of 2009 inaugural white coat ceremony on Jan. 11.

Minutes after receiving his coat on stage, Eric Vrtiska learned that Andrew Creal, a 2004 graduate of the UNMC Division of Physical Therapy Education, sponsored his coat.

“It’s a wonderful way to connect students with alumni and alumni with students,” said Kim Cuda, director of UNMC’s Alumni Affairs office. “Students are encouraged to contact and thank their sponsoring alums.”

Having UNMC alumni underwrite the cost of white coats is relatively new, Cuda said. Last year, pharmacy alumni sponsored 60 white coats for the College of Pharmacy’s white coat ceremony. A pharmacy alumnus from Florida, who sponsored four white coats, received appreciation notes and e-mails from each of the students, whom he later took to dinner during a trip to Omaha. This new program will be used with this year’s College of Medicine white coat ceremony.

“Our alumni have enjoyed staying in touch with current students through the white coat program,” Cuda said. “Students are linked with alumni in their field, who are able to answer questions or provide mentoring and support.”

On Jan. 11, physical therapy education alumni were plentiful at the inaugural white coat ceremony. Eugene Svec of Kearney, president of the Physical Therapy Alumni Chapter and a 1996 graduate of the program, welcomed the students and their family and friends.

“I hope the next 2 ½ years are as fulfilling for you as they were for me,” said Svec, who hosted the hour-long ceremony.

Kyle Meyer, associate dean of the School of Allied Health Professions and a 1979 graduate of the program, urged students to pursue excellence by continually “seeking knowledge.”

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Some physical therapy students proudly display their new white coats.

He told students to be secure in their own skills, know their limits, listen to their patients and pursue quality even if they find themselves the sole champion of excellence.

Heather Jenny, a clinical specialist in physical therapy at Methodist Health System and 1990 UNMC graduate, encouraged students to lead in a doctoring profession.

“Doctoring is a verb,” she said. “It’s thinking and caring at the highest level.”

Students also should seek out other professionals, including alumni, for guidance and support.

“There always have been people in my corner to help me achieve the highest levels I can and we are willing to lend a hand up,” Jenny said. “That’s the history of this program.”

“We’re proud of our students,” said Pat Hageman, director of the division of physical therapy education and a ’79 graduate of the program. “They do embody excellence.”

Student Michael Wellsandt said he enjoyed the “distinction” of the white coat ceremony and reception, which was sponsored by The Physical Therapy Association’s Alumni Chapter.

Shane Clatterbuck agreed.

“It’s nice of the alumni association to think of us and take the time and effort to plan this type of ceremony,” he said.

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