Education opportunities highlighted at Latina/Latino Youth Conference

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Dani Eveloff, UNMC College of Nursing nurse recruiter, demonstrates some nursing techniques on a patient simulator.

The hallways of the first floor of the UNMC College of Nursing were packed recently with high school students eager to start planning their future by learning more about attending college.

About 230 students from 12 high schools and one middle school in the Omaha area, visited exhibitors from different colleges and organizations, heard inspirational talks, participated in workshops on financial planning and essay writing. They also visited with professionals around Omaha in their career areas of interest.

The event was part of the Chicano Awareness Center’s 16th Annual Latina/Latino Youth Conference, which was co-hosted by UNMC on Oct. 27.

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Jennifer Ramirez, a senior from Norfolk Senior High School, was one of 10 students who received scholarship during the conference.

During the day, 10 students also received scholarships from area organizations and individuals. One of them was Jennifer Ramirez, a senior from Norfolk Senior High School, who came to the event to check out nursing programs.

“I’m interested in nursing,” Ramirez said. “I was told about the program through my uncle and aunt, who is a nurse at UNMC.”

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