UNMC Strategic Plan 2005-2008 – major accomplishments

UNMC Strategic Plan 2005-2008

2005-2006 Major Accomplishments

Critical Success Factors

A. UNMC will be learning-centered in education.Rubens Pamies, M.D.

1. Evaluate and expand integrated, outcomes-focused, learning-centered experiences for each program. Jay Moore, M.D., and Paul Paulman, M.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • In progress – no definitive accomplishments

2. Develop faculty education programs to enhance understanding and skills related to learning-centered education. Sheila Ryan, Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • The College of Nursing presented two retreats using a consultant in the “appreciative inquiry” method, a learning-centered approach.

3. Improve reward and recognition mechanisms for outstanding teachers who foster learning-centered education. Irv Zucker, Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • In progress – no definitive accomplishments

B. Increase prominence as a research health sciences center. Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D.

1. Increase total research funding at a rate that predicts $200 M in funding by 2009. Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • UNMC extramural research funding set a new record of approximately $80 million in 2005-06.
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding also set a new record and increased to about $49 million, an improvement of about 10 percent over the previous year.
  • This rate of increase predicts that UNMC will reach a level of about $100 million per year by the end of calendar 2007.
  • This is a key milestone on the way to $200 million.

2. Activate a coordinated, comprehensive clinical research program. John Gollan, M.D., Ph.D., Virginia Tilden, D.N.Sc., Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D., Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • A plan was initiated for a trans-college center for population-based research, to be centered in a restored and remodeled Poynter Hall.
  • A planning grant proposal for development of a new comprehensive UNMC center for clinical research was submitted to NIH.

3. Become the best place in the U.S. to carry out biomedical research. Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D., John Gollan, M.D., Ph.D., Paula Turpen, Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • UNMC obtained Board of Regents’ approval for the design and construction of a second, state-of-the-art research tower to complement and advance the activity ongoing in the Durham Research Center.
  • The UNMC Chancellor’s Council approved a plan to provide special financial recognition for outstanding UNMC scientists who meet a set of rigorous criteria; recognition to include a substantial financial reward.

C. Advance community/campus partnerships for health. Bob Bartee

1. Improve midtown Omaha’s health, safety, business climate, housing and education. Del Lee

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • UNMC received a $1 million allocation for a feasibility study for the possible relocation of Saddle Creek Road.
  • A feasibility study team composed of partnership members was launched.
  • A consultant will be hired to conduct the study.

2. Strategically address the widening gap in health status among select populations. Linda Sather, Ed.D., Virginia Tilden, D.N.Sc.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • A current inventory of UNMC/community partnerships that address teen/pre-teen smoking prevention and smoking risk reduction has been compiled and will be available on the UNMC website.
  • Two existing UNMC teen/pre-teen smoking cessation programs have been selected to address teen and pre-teen smoking behavior and risk reduction: All Stars and Peer Counseling.

3. Extend UNMC’s expertise, educational offerings and unique health care services by partnering with private sector and community-based organizations. Rod Markin, M.D., Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • UNMC Physicians invested in the Bellevue Hospital with The Nebraska Medical Center and approximately 70 private physicians.
  • UNMC Physicians engaged a group of private practice neurologists to assist in the Neurology Clinic.

4. Lead the state in reducing or controlling health care costs by implementing electronic medical records and through prevention strategies such as Simply Well. Bob Bell, Jim Canedy, M.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • UNMC serves as an advisor to state government officials and participates in the key planning activities of state government in establishing an Electronic Health Record for Nebraska.
  • The medical preventive maintenance strategies with Simply Well continue to progress.

D. Create a culturally competent organization.Ward Chambers, M.D. Team members: Bob Bartee, Rubens Pamies, M.D., Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D., John Russell

1. Make UNMC a welcoming environment.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Revamped New Employee Orientation to assure new staff feel welcome and valued as UNMC employees, including a session on harassment and diversity issues.
  • Developed and presented workshops to supervisors and managers on harassment, ADA, and FMLA.
  • Foundations for Success and Administrative Colloquium have begun.
  • Developed plans for an updated Cultural Survey and for the Center for Human Diversity.

2. Focus on recruitment of a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Increased the number of first year underrepresented minority medical students.
  • Maintained an increased level of underrepresented minority applicants through the Jobs@ online application system.
  • Established funding for unit Diversity Officers.
  • Completed Walnut Hill and North High Summer Camps.

3. Strengthen community relations.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Maintained an increased level of staff employment applications from underrepresented minority applicants through the Jobs@ online application system.
  • Launched Urban AHEC.
  • Partnered with OPS for student education.
  • Partnered with Con Agra for health screenings.
  • Expanded North and South Omaha Care Council Activities.

E. Develop selected new technologies to advance health education, science and clinical programs promoting economic growth in Nebraska. Don Leuenberger

1. Identify and advance the commercialization and licensing of UNMC technologies. Tom McDonald, Ph.D., Rick Spellman, J.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Secured venture capital for two UNMC start-up companies.
  • Developed technology development and commercialization collaboration with a European research organization.
  • Established consultation and assessment agreements with College of Business at UNO based on commercializing UNMC technology.

2. Develop advanced biomedical technology in software development and devices. Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D., John Windle, M.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • The Center for Advanced Surgical Technology (CAST) was approved by Board of Regents.
  • Beta testing for the new Intuicare application has begun.
  • UNMC/PKI server technologies funded through NRI are in implementation.

3. Define and implement UNMC’s health care role as it relates to economic and community development in rural Nebraska. Roxanna Jokela, Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D.

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Statewide lung cancer screening initiated.

F. Create a culture that builds employee loyalty and satisfaction.John Russell

1. Continue refining measurement of employee opinions and attitudes. John Russell

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Implemented an improved methodology for reporting and comparing employee satisfaction survey results.

2. Improve selection processes to better match employee/applicant talents to position requirements. Rod Kelly

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Developed the Jobs@ position description classification and compliance module, through which an online job description is integrated with the position requisitions and job classification processes, as well as compliance requirements
  • Streamlined and enhanced the selection process.

3.Enhance the reward and recognition programs. Carmen Sirizzotti

05-06 Accomplishments:

  • Redesigned and improved the New Employee Orientation program to assure employees feel welcomed and appreciated as part of their first experience as a staff member at UNMC.
  • 4. Improve manager, supervisor, and employee skills. John Russell, Carmen Sirizzotti

    05-06 Accomplishments:

      • Developed and presented workshops to supervisors and managers regarding:
      • Harassment
      • The Americans with Disabilities Act
      • The Family Medical leave Act
      • Unemployment and workers compensation
        Improved the navigation of the Human Resources Web site and added “Employee Guidelines,” an electronic employee handbook providing managers and employees improved access to all Human Resources policies and procedures

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