Thursday, Aug. 17
11 a.m. – Doors open to the 2006 New Student Orientation Fair, which gives incoming students an opportunity to learn about UNMC’s official campus organizations. This year, 28 groups — ranging from the Aging Interest Group to the Student Association for Rural Health, as well as the UNMC Bookstore, McGoogan Library and Center for Healthy Living — welcomed newcomers.
Third-year medical student Michael Eigenberg recruits incoming student Travis Batchelder to join the American Medical Association. |
11:35 a.m. – Jessica Ott of Henderson, Neb., shows her interest in rural medicine by visiting the Rural Health Education Network (RHEN) booth. “I hate cities and want to go back to Henderson if I can, or any other rural area,” the first-year medical student said. “Rural medicine seems more challenging.”
11:45 a.m. – Third-year medical student Michael Eigenberg hands first-year medical student Travis Batchelder of Rapid City, S.D., a grey UNMC T-shirt in exchange for his four-year membership payment to the American Medical Association. More than two-thirds of incoming medical class signs up with the AMA, Batchelder learns.
Incoming student Jeffrey Zeckser of Hastings marks his interest in UNMC’s rural health programs. |
12:05 p.m. – Olamide Alabi of Lincoln talks with Sara Pirtle of International Studies and Programs about UNMC’s study abroad trips. The first-year medical student “definitely” wants to study outside the United States and is open to going “anywhere.” She knows some Spanish, having spent one month in Puerto Rico during high school, but also knows Yoruba, the language of Nigeria, her parent’s homeland. (In Nigeria, it would have been 7:05 p.m., she says).
12:10 p.m. – Joe Vavricek takes a minute to learn about the new student pathology group, Pathoblast. The first-year medical student from Grand Island is shown several plastinated organs, including a uterus with an ovarian tumor.
12:20 p.m. – Second-year medical student Eric Anderson introduces the fledgling Unite for Site chapter to fairgoers. Anderson, who serves as organization president, recruits students interested in doing vision screenings to underprivileged groups to get involved in the volunteer outreach group. Incoming pharmacy student Margaret Kucera of Burwell is interested. “It’s nice to help people out,” she said, noting vision problems within her family.
12:30 p.m. – Student Senate President Dan Conneally greets new students at the UNMC Student Senate table and shares the rewards of being involved in student government.
12:45 p.m. – Patti George of the UNMC Counseling and Student Development Center hands out student health insurance booklets and answers questions. Alongside, clinic counselor Ronda Stevens distributes neon red, purple and yellow drinking glasses.
1 p.m. – Organization leaders pack up leftover freebies, handouts and promotional material until next August’s event.