College of Medicine history contest results

picture disc.In celebrating the College of Medicine’s 125th anniversary, UNMC Today thanks the many employees who participated in the eight-day trivia contest, compiled by Robert Wigton, M.D., of the College of Medicine.

The following contest winners correctly answered at least one historical question and received a T-shirt commemorating the College of Medicine’s milestone:

  • Question 1 — Ruth Olson, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
  • Question 2 – Dorothea Clute, graduate student, College of Nursing in the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Program
  • Question 3 – Sean Duffy, internal medicine-cardiology
  • Question 4 – Kelly Duffy, LIS, Lab Specialist, The Nebraska Medical Center
  • Question 5 – Pamela Carmines, Ph.D., professor and director of Graduate Studies, Department of Cellular & Integrative Physiology
  • Question 6 – David Conklin, Intellectual Property Office
  • Questions 7 & 8 – No correct entries submitted.

Here’s the answer to Question 8 — the final question in our trivia contest –which stumped our contest participants:
What College of Medicine department chairman was the first commissioner of the Medical Services Administration – the federal agency established to administer Medicare?

Answer — Dr. Francis Land, the founding chairman of the family practice department in 1970, came here after his role as the founding commissioner of the Medical Services Administration, the federal agency set up to administer the new Medicare program. Dr. Land was instrumental in obtaining grant funding for the new department, developing the residency in family practice and helping start the physician assistant program at Nebraska.

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