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UNMC, 24 communities across Nebraska to present free Mini-Medical School series on Avian flu April 13, 20; will be broadcast live

The University of Nebraska Medical Center and co-sponsors in 24 communities across Nebraska invite the public to participate in the UNMC Mini-Medical School, a free health educational series titled, “Avian Flu: Ready or Not.” The series will run on two consecutive Thursdays, April 13 and 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (central time).
The series will be broadcast live from the UNMC Durham Research Center Auditorium in Omaha, via satellite to: Atkinson, Chadron, Columbus, Creighton, Grand Island, Harrison, Hastings, Holdrege, Kearney, Lincoln, Lynch, Neligh, Norfolk, North Platte, O’Neill, Osmond, Pender, Red Cloud, Rushville, Sidney, Scottsbluff, Valentine, Wayne and West Point. In Omaha, it also will be broadcast to Clarkson West Medical Center, 144th & Center, Suite 200 A & B.
It will be broadcast live on Nebraska Satellite System 2, Channel 102. Anyone with the downlink capability can tune in to the series.
The thought of widespread H5N1 virus, commonly called Avian influenza or Bird flu, is scary, but it’s important to have the facts and know how to prepare. During the series, UNMC experts will discuss the latest information on the virus, vaccines and precautions to take. State experts will provide updates on state and local preparedness plans and explain how the virus could travel to Nebraska and the risk that it poses to wild and domestic animals.
There is currently no pandemic influenza in the world. But during the 20th century, the emergence of several new influenza A virus subtypes caused three pandemics, all of which were related to Avian flu strains and all of which spread around the world within a year of detection. So far, the Avian H5N1 virus has killed nearly 100 people in Asia and the Near East, but has not spread from human to human.
Because all influenza viruses have the ability to change and humans have little or no immune protection against them, scientists are concerned the virus could spread easily among humans. If it does, an influenza pandemic is possible.
Seating for Mini-Medical School is limited. Registration is required. To get more information about the series or to register, go to http://www.unmc.edu/minimed. While the program is free to the public, continuing education credits are available to nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians and physician assistants for $20 regardless of the number of sessions attended.
For nurses: the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity is provided for 4.0 contact hours. Iowa Provider # 78. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # 13699 for 4.0 contact hours.
For physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners: the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Center for Continuing Education designates this educational activity for a maximum of 4 category 1 credits toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the activity. The University of Nebraska Medical Center, Center for Continuing Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Thursday, April 13, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Central time
Philip Smith, M.D., UNMC professor of internal medicine and chief of the UNMC Section of Infectious Diseases, will give an overview of Avian flu titled “Past, Present and Pandemic.” A presentation titled, “Is Nebraska Ready?” will be presented by Nebraska Chief Medical Officer Joann Schaefer, M.D., Nebraska Health and Human Service System. She will provide an update of Nebraska’s plan. “How can you prepare?” will be presented by Sharon Medcalf of the Nebraska Center for Biopreparedness Education. She will outline steps citizens should take to be prepared. A panel discussion will follow, moderated by Tony Sambol, assistant professor, Clinical Laboratory Science, and assistant director, Nebraska Public Health Laboratory.
Thursday, April 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Central time
This night will explore the risk Avian flu poses to humans, which vaccines are being developed, how farmers can protect their flocks and safety measures hunters can take. “Prepared or Scared?” will be presented by Mark Rupp, M.D., UNMC professor of internal medicine. “Are we really at risk?” will be presented by Delwin Wilmot, D.V.S., Nebraska deputy state veterinarian and Nebraska representative for National Poultry Improvement Plan. “Flu on the Move,” will be presented by Bruce Trindle, program manager, Big Game Research, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
Locations of free UNMC Mini-Medical School series and registration information:
Broadcasting live via satellite (6:30-8:30 p.m. Central time, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Mountain time) to:
West Holt Memorial  Hospital, 406 W. Neely St.
(402) 644-7285, kwesche@nnahec.org
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and West Holt Memorial  Hospital
Chadron State College, Student Center, Scottsbluff Room, 1000 Main St.
(308) 432-6422 bfillmore@csc.edu
Sponsored by: Chadron State College
Central Community College—Columbus, North Education Center, Room 908
4500 63rd St., (402) 562-1409, toll-free (877) 222-0780, ext. 1409. smahlin@cccneb.edu
Sponsored by Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Central Community College
Creighton Area Health Service, Telehealth Room, 1503 Main Street
(402) 358-5700 (no e-mail registration)
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and Creighton Area Health Service
Grand Island
College Park, Room 201, 3180 West Highway 34
(308) 385-6677, mary@cn-ahec.org
Sponsored by: Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Central Community College
Sioux County Courthouse Meeting Room, 325 Main St.
Aaron Cross, (308) 668-2428, across2@unlnotes.unl.edu
Sponsored by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Sioux County
Central Community College, Platte Building, Walnut Room 129
East Highway 6, (402) 461-2429, rlurk@cccneb.edu
Sponsored by: Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Central Community College
Holdrege (please register no later than two days before night, by 4 p.m.)
Central Community College Holdrege Center, Phelps County Ag Center
1308 2nd St., (308) 995-8133, dwatson@cccneb.edu
Sponsored by: Central Community College Holdrege Center and Phelps Memorial Health Center
UNK Center for Distance Education, Communications Building, CMCT 241
1910 University Drive, (308) 865-8503, holoubeckja@unk.edu
Sponsored by: University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Dentistry Dixon Lecture Hall, 40th and Holdrege Streets
(402) 472-9993, gtmason@unmc.edu
Sponsored by UNMC College of Nursing and UNMC College of Dentistry
Niobrara Valley Hospital, Telehealth Room, 401 South 5th St.
(402) 569-2451, nvhadmin@threeriver.net
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and Niobrara Valley Hospital
Antelope Memorial Hospital Telehealth Room, 102 West 9th St.
(402) 887-6202, gcarlson@amhne.org
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and Antelope Memorial Hospital
Northeast Community College Ag-Allied Health Bldg. Room 136
801 East Benjamin Ave.
(402) 844-7000 or FAX 844-7403
Sponsored by: Northern Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Northeast Community College
North Platte
McKinley Education Center
301 West F St., (use south entrance) (308) 696-1201, shirleensmith@wcdhd.org
Sponsored by: West Central District Health Department and McKinley Education Center
UNMC Durham Research Center Auditorium, Emile Street & Durham Research Plaza
(402) 559-4353 jemeier@unmc.edu
Clarkson West Medical Center, 144th & Center, 2nd floor conference room, Suite 200 (402) 559-4353 jemeier@unmc.edu
North Central District Health Department Conference Room, 422 E. Douglas
(402) 336-2406, roger@ncdhd.info
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and North Central District Health Department
Osmond General Hospital, Telehealth Room
406 N. Maple St., (402) 748-3393 ext. 175, nstation@huntel.net
Northern Nebraska AHEC and Osmond General Hospital
Pender Community Hospital, Telehealth Room
630 Earl St., (402) 385-4035, heiset@mercyhealth.com
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and Pender Community Hospital
Red Cloud
Webster County Historical Museum Exhibit Hall
721 West 4th (West Highway 136), (402) 746-3417, drose2@unl.edu
Sponsored by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension at Webster County
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension at Sheridan County, 105 Loofborrow
(308) 327-2312, jpetersen5@unl.edu
Sponsored by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension at Sheridan County
Western Nebraska Community College, 371 College Drive
(308) 254-7401, gentrym@wncc.net
Sponsored by Western Nebraska Community College
UNMC College of Nursing University Complex Panhandle Station, Room 201
4502 Avenue I, (308) 632-0410, bhartsho@unmc.edu
Sponsored by: UNMC College of Nursing West Nebraska Division
University of Nebraska Extension-Cherry County
132 S. Hall St.
(402) 376-1850 bquick1@unl.edu
Wayne State College, Connell Hall Room 131, 1111 Main St.
(402) 375-7329, cahobza1@wsc.edu
Sponsored by Wayne State College
West Point
St. Francis Memorial Hospital, Telehealth Room, 430 N. Monitor
(402) 372-2404, mskaup@fcswp.org
Sponsored by Northern Nebraska AHEC and St. Francis Memorial Hospital
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