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Bartee honored for work in state relations

picture disc.Bob Bartee, UNMC executive assistant to the chancellor, is the recipient of the 2005 Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson Achievement award, one of only two state government awards presented annually by four nationally known academic organizations.

Bartee, who has been at UNMC since 1980, will receive the award today in Phoenix from the American Association of Community Colleges, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.

The award comes with a $5,000 cash prize sponsored by CASE and a crystal award.

“(Bob) is a strategic thinker with unmatched political skills that have been instrumental in enabling UNMC to achieve its strategic goals,” said UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D. “He has been a key member of the leadership team for university presidents and the five UNMC chancellors that he has served.”

The Battle Creek, Neb., native is responsible for government relations at UNMC, as well as the Departments of Public Affairs and Alumni Affairs, the Rural Health Education Network Office and the Health Professions Tracking Center.

“Bob is a very effective advocate for the University of Nebraska Medical Center and he cares a great deal about the state of Nebraska,” Gov. Dave Heineman said. “He’s empathetic, understanding and yet tries to find a solution to the challenges we face. Certainly, for me, he’s been a visionary on a variety of issues.”

Said Sen. Don Pederson, chairman of the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee: “Bob is a great spokesperson for the University of Nebraska and his campus, UNMC. During the past several years, we have dealt with numerous matters directly affecting UNMC and Bob was always available with information regarding these issues. Bob is not only a personable and effective advocate, but he attempts to present all sides fairly.”

Bartee is a “seasoned veteran who understands the impact of state legislation and policy,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and former state Gov. Mike Johanns. “With decades of experience in Nebraska governmental relations, Bob has a reservoir of knowledge that is without peer. He uses his experience and intellect to capitalize on opportunities for the betterment of the university and the state.”

Bartee’s accomplishments include designing and leading the passage of landmark legislation that positioned Nebraska as one of the very first states in the nation to dedicate a portion of its cigarette tax for research in cancer and smoking-related diseases, and drafting legislation and securing funding for the Nebraska Rural Health Education Network (RHEN), a statewide educational partnership between private and academic health professionals that is now nationally recognized as a model system for meeting the needs of the rural underserved.

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve as an advocate for the University of Nebraska in partnership with the state’s executive and legislative branches,” Bartee said. “This effort truly has been a labor of love, shared with valued colleagues and built on a solid foundation of integrity and trust. The opportunity to serve my profession and make a difference for the state has enriched my life immeasurably.”

Bartee’s 30-year-career in government relations also include the following successes:

  • Establishing a partnership with Nebraska institutions receiving NIH research funding and successfully drafting and passing legislation that called for 20 percent annually of the state’s Tobacco Settlement funds to be allocated for biomedical research.
  • Spearheading a unique public/private partnership for bioterrorism preparedness that included creating the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Nebraska.
  • Helping assemble a coalition of businesses, neighborhood groups and city government to develop a vision and master plan to revitalize the midtown Omaha area through Destination Midtown. He currently serves as chairman of the Destination Midtown board.
  • Designing and leading the passage of legislation to create the Nebraska Cancer Registry to assist cancer researchers in obtaining vital epidemiological data.
  • Leading the effort to enlist private citizen support to create “Nebraskans for Research,” a non-profit education and non-partisan grassroots advocacy group for medical research.

Prior to joining UNMC, Bartee spent five years in the University of Nebraska’s government relations office. A 1969 graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Bartee has a master’s degree from Syracuse University’s Maxwell Graduate School of Public Affairs in Syracuse, N.Y.

The Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson award recognizes an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to the advancement, quality and effectiveness of state relations on behalf of his or her institution or system of higher education in his or her state. While presidents, chancellors, trustees play major roles in state relations, this award is reserved from nominees who have primary responsibility for state relations at their institution and who have a demonstrated record of accomplishment.

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