2006 Student Senate officers elected

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Jenny Kast, right, first-year physical therapy student from Livermore, Calif., votes in the recent UNMC Student Senate elections.

Dan Connealy of Chadron, a third-year medical student, will serve as the 2006 UNMC Student Senate president and student regent. Michael Furasek of Lincoln, also a third-year medical student, will serve as vice president. The pair will take office in January.

The UNMC Faculty Women’s Club staffed the voting table in Wittson Hall during the Nov. 8-9 elections.

At-large senators also were elected to represent medical students, allied health, pharmacy and graduate studies. Class presidents from each of the colleges fill the remaining senate seats.

UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., will administer the oath of office for the new senate officers and senators during a special inaugural ceremony on Jan. 26, at 3 p.m. in the Storz Pavilion.

Here is a complete list of the students recently elected for one-year terms starting in January:

President: Dan Connealy (M-3)

Vice president: Michael Furasek (M-3)

Medical student at-large senators: Casey Bowen (M-2), Jennifer Duven (M-2), Christine Larsen (M-2), Christopher March (M-1), Joshua Priluck (M-3), and Allison Stangel (M-2)

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Members of the UNMC Faculty Women’s Club staffed the Student Senate voting table.

Graduate Studies senators: Kelsi Anderson, Robert Arpke, Jennifer Bailey, Nicholas Bechtold, Harini Chakravarthy, Mario Fernandez, Vivek Gautam, Sarah Keim, Megan Montgomery and Pankaj Kumar Singh

Pharmacy student at-large senator: Jessica Chardoulias (P-1)

Allied health programs at-large senators: Jennifer Kast and Carrie Althoff

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