Your NUFlex 2006 re-enrollment packets will begin arriving in your departmental mail on Monday, Nov. 14. The enrollment period is from Nov. 14 through Dec. 2, only; changes will be effective on Jan. 1, 2006.
Read your materials closely to learn about changes in the coming year. Of special note: all University of Nebraska employees will be required to re-designate their tobacco/nicotine status for the life insurance coverages. If you do not re-designate this status on-line through the SAP Employee Self Service (ESS) Web site at or by completing and returning a Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Change Form to your Benefits office, your life insurance cost will be based on the tobacco/nicotine premium.
Enter changes for 2006 using the SAP Employee Self Service Web site, or by returning your completed 2006 NU Flex Change Form and Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Change Form to UNMC Benefits at ZIP 5470 (if you make changes on-line do not return your 2006 NU Flex Change Form). If you make no changes on the SAP ESS Web site, and no change form is returned, your coverages will remain the same except that there will be no participation in the health care or dependent care accounts. If you do not re-designate your tobacco/nicotine status, you will automatically have the tobacco/nicotine designation.
Remember, the NU Flex 2006 re-enrollment period is Nov. 14 through Dec. 2. No NU Flex 2006 information will be available prior to that time.