McGoogan Library activities to celebrate librarians month

October is National Medical Librarians Month and the staff at the McGoogan Library of Medicine are celebrating with a slate of activities. The campus community is invited to join them on the 6th – 8th floors of Wittson Hall for the following events:

Library tours

Oct. 14, 21 & 28 – Mary Helms will be your host for a personal tour of the library. Tours begin at 11 a.m.

Demonstrations and library classes
All classes are at 1:30 p.m. and will meet in the Wilson Training Room (8th floor of Wittson Hall).

Tuesday, Oct. 4 – “What you didn’t know about UNMC” by John Schleicher
Hear many interesting and curious events in UNMC’s history as presented by McGoogan Library’s Archivist. Register by e-mail to:

Tuesday, Oct. 4 – “Library Orientation” by Teresa Hartman
Are you new to campus or would you like to know more about the library? Learn about McGoogan Library services and resources and how to solve your research needs. Register online at

Tuesday, Oct. 11 – “Who’s Citing Me?” by Cindy Schmidt, M.D.
Learn how to use Web of Science, SciFinder Scholar, and CINAHL to strengthen a promotion/tenure application. The techniques you learn will also allow you to study the way researchers have built upon your work and the work of others. Attendees hoping to gather citation data for a specific individual should bring that individual’s updated publication list to class. Most of the class time will be devoted to assisting attendees with their own citation data gathering projects. Register by e-mail to:

Tuesday, Oct. 18 – “Personalizing PubMed” by Heather Brown
Make PubMed your own with the new tool My NCBI. In this course, you will learn how to set up and create a MY NCBI account, save searches, create e-mail alerts and create custom filters. Previous knowledge of PubMed searching is highly recommended. Register online at

Tuesday, Oct. 25 – “Making the Most of eJournals” by Ann Kaste
Learn tips and tricks you can use when accessing the wealth of full-text electronic resources housed in the McGoogan Library collection. Register by e-mail to:

Activities throughout the month:

Oct. 4-28 — Medical Book Sale — proceeds to benefit Fontenelle Elementary School

Oct. 12-28 — Review Book Raffle (sign up at the circulation desk)

Oct. 24-31 — Halloween “Coins for Candy” — proceeds to benefit Fontenelle Elementary School.

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