UNMC major accomplishments — 2004-2005

UNMC’s actions and outcomes list, as well as its major accomplishments for 2004-2005, are as follows:

A. Enhance and expand the educational environment. Rubens Pamies, M.D.

1.Increase the flexibility of the traditional disciplinary curricula. Virginia Tilden, D.N.Sc., Yvette Holly

Major Accomplishments:

  • Determined feasibility and utility of implementing an interdisciplinary scholars track;
  • CON has initiated an Accelerated BSN program for second degree students and a pilot evaluation of this program is recommended.

2.Establish processes that adequately recognize “Master Teachers” in each of the health sciences disciplines.Mary Haven

Major Accomplishments:

  • The following information has been determined:
    • current status of promotion and tenure based on teaching (percentages ranged from percent to 100 percent depending on academic unit);
    • number of teaching awards given by unit per year;
    • number of endowed professorships for outstanding educators. Recommend each unit pursue additional funds.

  • Continued study is recommended regarding adequate recognition for “Master Teachers,” including possible formation of an Academy of Educational Excellence. Findings of the 04-05 committee will be forwarded to the 05-06 committee.

3.Expand UNMC’s educational offerings to address emerging student demands and our research and clinical workforce needs.Clarence Ueda, PharmD., Ph.D.

Major Accomplishments:
Target: Dual Degree Option –

  • Final reports and recommendations for MD/MPH and MSN/MPH dual degree programs forthcoming in Fall 2005.

Target: Research-focused MPH Track –

  • Proposed MD/MPH dual degree program to be research-focused;
  • New MPH concentration in biostatistics/epidemiology planned and under development.

B. Increase prominence as a research health sciences center. Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D.

1. Increase total research funding at a rate that predicts $200M in funding by 2009. Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D.

Major Accomplishment: Increased NIH funding by 14 percent.

2. Design a coordinated, comprehensive clinical research program. John Gollan, M.D., Ph.D., Virginia Tilden, D.N.Sc.

Major Accomplishments:

  • Achieved progress in developing a) Population Sciences (Eppley), b) leadership for clinical research, and c) an enhanced biostatistics service;
  • In conjunction with the 2005 Clinical Research Strategic Planning Retreat, developed the first UNMC Strategic Plan for Clinical Research;
  • Successfully recruited director of UNMC clinical research.

3. Plan and design expansion of the University of Nebraska Medical Center cardiovascular research center. Irv Zucker, Ph.D., John Windle, M.D.

Major Accomplishments:

  • Successfully recruited Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery as well as two clinician -scientists;
  • Initiated genetics and arrhythmias clinic;
  • Initiated new clinical research initiatives in cardiac CT;
  • Priority scoring given to renewal of Program project in cardiovascular disease and possible renewal of training grant;
  • Developed centralized clinical trials group in cardiology.

C. Advance community/campus partnerships for health.Bob Bartee

1. Improve the midtown area’s health, safety, business climate, housing and recreation. Bob Bartee

Major Accomplishments:

  • Received City approval for project to landscape and calm campus traffic on 42nd Street;
  • Secured $100,000 from Kiewit Foundation for Destination Midtown “identity gardens.”

2. Strategically address the widening gap in health status among select populations. Valda Boyd Ford

Major Accomplishments: Initiated adult research program to decrease obesity (PHAT and Fabulous), Latino acclimation project with Chicano Awareness Center and International Family Center for Sudanese/Somali refugee families.

3. Establish strategic partnerships to advance a community-based geriatrics program and facility. Jane Potter, M.D., Don Leuenberger

Major Accomplishments:

  • Completed consultant review on feasibility of an assisted living center;
  • Initiated fundraising for new geriatrics facility;
  • Revised programmatic and space plan;
  • Completed basic architectural design with final cost estimates;
  • Drafted fund-raising brochure.

4. Support community-based behavioral health care education, research, and clinical service through establishing strategic partnerships with key organizations and assuring suitable facilities for patients, staff and trainees.Steve Wengel, M.D., Don Leuenberger

Major Accomplishments: Collaboration continues among UNMC, State, local and community leaders to outline plans for behavioral health reform in the Omaha area and across the state.

5. Strategically partner with a network of key organizations and agencies to prepare and embrace targeted immigrant communities for education, employment and patient care at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center. Ward Chambers, M.D., Bruce Buehler, M.D.

Major Accomplishments: Developed an Omaha School Network and NIH Grant proposal to serve all individuals including Immigrants with Autism, led by Dr. Wayne Fisher, Ph.D., a recent recruit from Johns Hopkins and a nationally known expert in Autism.

6. Establish partnerships with major employers and community-based providers to extend UNMC expertise, educational offerings and unique health care services. Rod Markin, M.D., Ph.D., Cory Shaw

Major Accomplishments:

  • Consulted with Union Pacific on implementation of corporate wellness programs;
  • Initiated planning for new medical campuses in Bellevue and west Omaha in conjunction with private physicians and The Nebraska Medical Center.

D. Create a culturally competent organization.Ward Chambers, M.D.

1. Improve the recruitment, retention and satisfaction of underrepresented minority students, faculty and staff. John McClain, Ph.D., Rubens Pamies, M.D., John Russell

Major Accomplishments: Jobs@ web-based application and recruitment process:

  • increased underrepresented applicant pool by 1,064 applicants between FY 03-04 and 04-05
  • increased underrepresented new hires by 42 hires between FY 03-04 and 04-05

2. Expand the emphasis on cultural competence in education. John Reinhardt, D.D.S., Valda Boyd Ford, Cory Shaw

Major Accomplishments: Reviewed portions of cultural competency curricula used within each college and developed college-specific plans to enhance their own curriculum.

3. Improve the cultural alignment between UNMC and its surrounding communities.Roxanna Jokela, Valda Boyd Ford

Major Accomplishments:

  • Received funding from the State Department of Education to develop and implement an 18 month science teacher education improvement program for 19 high need school districts including the Santee reservation and Lexington;
  • Successfully implemented a medical interpreter training curriculum for non-medical Hispanic personnel;
  • Awarded an NIH-SEPA (Science Education Partnership Award beginning October, 2006) to improve the science education in grades 1-8 in elementary schools on the South Dakota and Nebraska reservations and in the new Liberty elementary school in Omaha.

E. Develop selected new technologies to advance health education, science and clinical programs promoting economic growth in Nebraska. Don Leuenberger

1. Identify and advance the commercialization and licensing of UNMC technologies and knowledge.Tom McDonald, Ph.D., Rick Spellman, J.D.

Major Accomplishments:

  • Members of the Science Research Fund Board have been identified and the first meeting of the Board has been scheduled;
  • The Fund received a favorable determination on its IRS 501(c)3 ruling request.
  • Participated in BIO International’s 2005 Expo for the fourth consecutive year. This year UNL and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce participated, an addition to continued support and representation from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, and Omaha Public Power District;
  • CE2, a UNMC-owned product, introduced in GNC stores nationwide;
  • Trimed Corp., a UNMC spinoff company, received venture capital support from a European group amounting to $5 million Euros.

2. Develop advanced biomedical technology in software development and devices.John Windle, M.D., Bob Bell, Tom Tape, M.D., Dave Crouse, Ph.D.

Major Accomplishments:

  • Developed The Center for Advanced Surgical Technology, pending approval by the Board of Regents;
  • Partnered with PKI on initiatives in areas of Bioinformatics and Biosecurity.

3. Define and implement UNMC’s health care roleas it relates to economic and community development in rural Nebraska. Roxanna Jokela, Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D.

Major Accomplishments:

  • Established a statewide lung cancer screening project to promote state of the art health care for rural Nebraska;
  • Received funding from HRSA to develop a third AHEC based in the Panhandle;
  • Successfully worked with the University Health Policy Center on a Mental Health Transformation grant that would bring substantial resources to rural communities to recruit and train students in the behavioral health fields (funding pending);
  • Provided over $120,000 of funding to rural communities for local education resources through the combined efforts of NHSC SEARCH program, RHEN initiatives and the RHEN/AHEC community grants program.

F. Create a culture that builds employee loyalty and satisfaction.John Russell

1. Continue refining how we measure employee satisfaction. John Russell

Major Accomplishments:

  • Completed the second employee survey, with a 49.6 percent response rate;
  • Evaluated results using an aggregate score component for easier comparison of survey results.

2. Improve selection processes to better match employee/applicant talents to position requirements. Rod Kelly

Major Accomplishments: Implemented the Jobs@ web-based requisitioning, application, recruitment and selection process – better matching applicant skill sets to position requirements.

3. Enhance the reward and recognition program. the late Jane Harris

Major Accomplishments:

  • Initiated awards for multiple Silver “U” recipients;
  • Enhanced the Thank “U” Program by adding UNMC logo merchandise to redemption choices.

4. Improve manager, supervisor, and employee skills. John Russell, Rod Kelly

Major Accomplishments: Completed the inaugural “2004-2005 The Management Series” management development program that included:

  • Campus-specific supervisory and management concepts and practices;
  • Over 32 contact hours of training, over a period of nine months
  • Support from 19 presenters/facilitators, and five Chancellor Council members (campus leaders) and 26 supervisors;
  • 29 key manager/supervisor “graduates.

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