UNMC, 16 communities across Nebraska invite public to 10th Anniversary Mini-Medical School; offers free health education series on genetics, cardiology and the brain

The University of Nebraska Medical Center and co-sponsors in 16 communities across Nebraska invite the public to participate in a free health educational series titled, “A Decade Makes a Difference.” The series will run three Thursdays, Oct. 6, 13 and 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (central time).
This fall’s Mini-Medical School will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the program, which has been for the past 10 years – a commitment to bring Nebraskans the most up-to-date information on research and treatment on a myriad of health topics. Since the fall of 1995, when UNMC hosted the first Mini-Medical School, UNMC experts have discussed cancer, aging, cardiology, genetics and the brain, to name just a few.
This fall series will highlight treatment options and improvements in three of the most popular topics: genetics, cardiology and the brain. Refreshments will be served on the first night. On the last night, health screenings will be offered at some sites across Nebraska (please inquire with site).
The series will be broadcast live from the UNMC Durham Research Center Auditorium in Omaha, via satellite to: Chadron, Columbus, Grand Island, Hastings, Harrison, Holdrege, Kearney, Lincoln, Norfolk, North Platte, Red Cloud, Rushville, Sidney, Scottsbluff and Wayne. The series will be transmitted on Nebraska Satellite System 2, Channel 102. In addition to the Durham Research Center site it Omaha, it also will be broadcast in Omaha to Clarkson West Medical Center, 144th & Center.
“This Mini-Medical School not only provides up to date information on research and treatment on some of our most popular topics over 10 years, but also celebrates where medical research has taken us,” said Harold M. Maurer, M.D., chancellor of UNMC. Dr. Maurer, an international expert on rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer that strikes children’s muscles, will kick off the series Oct. 6 with a discussion on how far medical research and treatment has come in 10 years.
Seating for Mini-Medical School is limited. Registration is required. To get more information about the series or to register, go to: http://www.unmc.edu/minimed. While the program is free to the public, continuing education credits are available to some health professionals at a cost.
Anyone with NebSat 2 capability can watch the series. For more information, call UNMC Public Affairs at (402) 559-4353.
While the series is free, Nebraska and Iowa nurses who wish to receive up to six contact hours of continuing nursing education can do so at a cost of $30. Contact hours are awarded through the UNMC College of Nursing.
The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity is provided for 6.0 contact hours. Iowa Provider #78. Additionally, provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #13699 for 6.0 contact hours. Participants must register for Mini-Medical School at the site they will attend, and they will receive two contact hours for each full session that they attend.
For more information, call the College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education office, (402) 559-7487, or e-mail Rhonda Harnish at rharnish@unmc.edu.
For physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners, the cost also is $30. The University of Nebraska Medical Center, Center for Continuing Education, designates this educational activity for a maximum of six category one credits toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the activity. The Center for Continuing Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
UNMC Mini-Medical School dates, topics and presenters:
Oct. 6, “A Decade Makes a Difference,” – from 6:30 to 7 p.m., a 10-year celebration reception will be held and refreshments served. From 7 to 8:30 p.m. central time, the program will begin with Dr. Maurer talking about where medical research has taken health care over the last 10 years. In addition, Bruce Buehler, M.D., director of the Munroe-Meyer Institute at UNMC, in “Exploring the Genetic Blueprint,” will discuss how genetic diagnostic tests are benefiting Nebraskans and how, through the Human Genome Project completed in 2003, researchers at UNMC are now targeting cures for certain diseases based on a person’s genetics.
Oct. 13, “Brainstorm of New Advances” — will address three topics on diseases or disorders that strike the brain. Participants will learn about complex issues surrounding brain disorders, drugs developed to fight diseases in the brain, and the latest in research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment options available for stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
Titles of lectures will include “New Thoughts on the Brain,” by Sanjay Singh, M.D., UNMC assistant professor of neurological sciences; “Countering a Brain Attack,” by Pierre Fayad, M.D., chairperson of the UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences; and “Raising the Bar in Brain Research,” by Anuja Ghorpade, Ph.D., UNMC associate professor of pharmacology, Center for Neurovirology and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Oct. 20, “The Beat Goes On” — three faculty members will talk about the latest tools, techniques and breakthroughs in research and treatment for the heart. In addition, some Mini-Medical School site hosts will have cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure screenings available before the program, from at 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. central time.
“Recharging the Heart,” will be presented by John Windle, M.D., chairman, UNMC Department of Cardiology and professor of cardiology; “Tiny Bubbles Detect Big Trouble,” will be presented by Thomas Porter, M.D., UNMC professor of cardiology; and “Understanding the Failing Heart,” will be presented by Irving Zucker, M.D., chairman of UNMC Cellular/Integrative Physiology.
Locations of free UNMC Mini-Medical School series and registration information:
Broadcasting live via satellite (6:30-8:30 p.m. central time, 5:30-7:30 p.m. mountain time) to:
Chadron State College, Student Center, Scottsbluff Room
1000 Main St., (308) 432-6422 bfillmore@csc.edu
Sponsored by: Chadron State College
Central Community College—Columbus, North Education Center, Room 906
4500 63rd St., (402) 562-1276, toll-free (800) 642-1083, ext. 1276. smahlin@cccneb.edu
Sponsored by: Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Central Community College
Grand Island
College Park, Room 203
3180 West Highway 34, (308) 385-6677, mary@cn-ahec.org
Sponsored by: Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Central Community College
Sioux County Courthouse Meeting Room
325 Main St. Aaron Cross
(308) 668-2428
FAX 308-668-2414
Sponsored by the Sioux County Extension Office
Central Community College, Platte Building, Walnut Room
East Highway 6, (402) 461-2429, rlurk@cccneb.edu
Sponsored by: Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Central Community College
Holdrege (please register Friday by 4 p.m. before each session)
Central Community College Holdrege Center, Phelps County Ag Center
1308 2nd St., (308) 995-8133, dwatson@cccneb.edu
Sponsored by: Central Community College Holdrege Center and Phelps Memorial Health Center
UNK Center for Distance Education, Communications Building, CMCT 217
1910 University Drive, (308) 865-8503, holoubeckja@unk.edu
Sponsored by: University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Dentistry Dixon Lecture Hall
40th and Holdrege Streets, (402) 472-9993, gtmason@unmc.edu
Sponsored by: UNMC College of Nursing and UNMC College of Dentistry
Northeast Community College Ag-Allied Health Bldg. Room 136
801 East Benjamin Ave.
Call (402) 844-7000 or FAX 844-7403
Sponsored by: Northern Nebraska Area Health Education Center and Northeast Community College
North Platte
McKinley Education Center
301 West F St., (use south entrance) (308) 696-1201, shirleensmith@alltel.net
Sponsored by: West Central District Health Department and McKinley Education Center
UNMC Durham Research Center Auditorium
Emile Street & Durham Research Plaza
Omaha, NE
(402) 559-4315 jemeier@unmc.edu
Clarkson West Medical Center, 144th & Center
2nd Floor conference room, Suite 200 (402) 559-4315 jemeier@unmc.edu
Red Cloud
Webster County Historical Museum Exhibit Hall
721 West 4th (West Highway 136)
(402) 746-3417, drose2@unl.edu
Sponsored by: University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension at Webster County
Sheridan County Cooperative Extension
105 Loofborrow
(308) 327-2312, jbolek2@unl.edu
Sponsored by: Sheridan County Cooperative Extension and Gordon Memorial Hospital
Western Nebraska Community College
371 College Drive, (308) 254-7401, gentrym@wncc.net
Sponsored by Western Nebraska Community College
UNMC College of Nursing University Complex Panhandle Station, Room 201
4502 Avenue I, (308) 632-0410, bhartsho@unmc.edu
Sponsored by: UNMC College of Nursing West Nebraska Division
Wayne State College, Connell Room 131
1111 Main St., Wayne, NE, cahobza1@wsc.edu (402) 375-7329
Sponsored by Wayne State College
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