UNMC Eppley Cancer Center to host administrative forum

The UNMC Eppley Cancer Center has been selected to host the Cancer Centers Administrators’ Forum (CCAF), April 10-12.

The CCAF consists of senior-level cancer center administrators and has representatives from all of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers, as well as other reputable centers reaching for NCI designation. The CCAF has been meeting twice a year since 1984. The biannual forum highlights a different participating cancer center each year.

According to Ed Ramspott, assistant director, Administration and Finance, UNMC Eppley Cancer Center, hosting the forum is an opportunity to highlight the strengths of the cancer center, as well as the city of Omaha.

“With the tremendous strides the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center has made in the last few years under Dr. Cowan’s direction this should be a great time to host the event,” Ramspott said. “The UNMC Eppley Cancer Center is at the cutting-edge of research and technology. This is our chance to show off all of the exciting work being done here.”

The forum will kick off with a signature event at the Henry Doorly Zoo aquarium. Meetings will be at the Embassy Suites in the Old Market. Event participants also will have an opportunity to tour cancer center laboratories and shared facilities, as well as the innovative Cooperative Care Units in The Lied Transplant Center.

Topics covered during the forum sessions include: updates by NCI staff on cancer centers and National Institutes of Health data and information, guidelines and procedures, as well as updates from lobbying groups on funding for cancer research and treatment. Local cancer-related topics and initiatives also will be featured.

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