Today’s statewide tornado drill has been rescheduled for Thursday (March 31). UNMC, The Nebraska Medical Center and UMA will participate in the drill, which is part of Severe Weather Awareness Week. The drill, originally scheduled for today, is being delayed due to severe weather in the area.
“Departments may determine their level of participation, however, at the very minimum, staff should review the departmental plan, determine where the shelter is located and make sure it is accessible and available,” said John Hauser, campus safety officer.
The drill will begin Thursday at 10 a.m. with the issuance of a tornado watch. A mock tornado warning will be issued at 10:10 a.m. The drill is scheduled to end at 11 a.m. The drill will be delayed one day if severe weather is in the area.
“Because there is a short time between the issuance of the watch and the warning, we will just transmit the mock tornado warning message,” Hauser said. “Those receiving the severe weather notification should communicate the information to others in their area.”
Several methods will be used to communicate the severe weather information: The NOAA Weather Alert Radios Audible Devices on the Fire Alarm systems, the Alertcast Emergency Notification System, text pagers, house paging and broadcast media. In addition, the sirens in Douglas County will be sounded for this drill. Other counties and communities may activate the sirens as a part of the drill.
Those who did not receive the severe weather notification and all areas participating in the drill are asked to complete a Severe Weather Report form after the drill has been completed. Remember to hit the submit button after you have finished. Questions or concerns regarding severe weather should be reported to Larry Nelson at 559-6690 or