Making sense of CMMS — matching protocols, cost objects

CMMS, the “Comparative Medicine Management System,” is a new computerized business management system that includes (1) on-line animal ordering and “up to the minute” invoice access via UNMC’s Research Support System (RSS); (2) electronic barcode census; (3) on-line Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP) enrollment via RSS and (4) OHSP training via Blackboard. A key component of CMMS is the link between cost center and/or WBS numbers and active Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols.

UNMC Today will provide weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your research program. This week’s message — Why must approved IACUC protocols be matched with cost objects via the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) database?

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IACUC – Comparative Medicine – SPA —- PI


1. Why must IACUC protocols be linked to cost objects?
2. How are they linked to the SPA database?
3. What if my research is non-sponsored?
4. What if my IACUC protocol/s are not linked to a cost object?


1. Association of each IACUC protocol with SPA approved funding sources is required to ensure campus regulatory compliance; to prevent unintentional charging to inappropriate funding sources; and to allow for more accurate funding source changes at funding year-end.

2. The SPA staff links funding sources, cost objects and IACUC protocols in cooperation with the IACUC and Comparative Medicine (CM) staffs. Once linked, this information will be available, on-line, via drop down menus on RSS to facilitate animal purchases and to obtain CM services.

3. Before the link between non-sponsored project cost object numbers beginning with 31, 33 & 37 and an active, approved IACUC protocol can be made the PI needs to complete a form available from SPA. The form also is available at

4. You will be unable to purchase animals or request and obtain CM care or services.

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If you’re a manager or research administrator, please ensure all of your employees are informed of the contents of these messages and how it applies to your work area. Some ways of sharing the information include discussions during staff meetings, printing and posting this message or asking your employees if they have further questions.