The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, International (AAALAC) accreditation program evaluates organizations that use animals in research, teaching or testing. Those that meet or exceed AAALAC standards are awarded accreditation.
In February, the UNMC Animal Care and Use Program received a renewal of its AAALAC accreditation. The program was commended as “an exemplary program of laboratory animal care and use.”
The letter of accreditation particularly mentioned the following “noteworthy” items: strong administrative support for animal care and use, excellent husbandry in animal resources facilities, sound occupational health and safety programs, competent Comparative Medicine staff, well-designed and well-maintained physical plants, a comprehensive veterinary care program and the extensive documentation of the animal care and use program activities.
“The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Department of Comparative Medicine are proud of this recognition of UNMC’s care and use of animals,” said Michael Mann, IACUC executive chairman.
The AAALAC accreditation process includes an extensive internal review conducted by the institution applying for accreditation. During this review, the institution creates a comprehensive document called a “Program Description” that describes all aspects of the animal care and use program (policies, animal housing and management, veterinary care, and facilities).
The program description is then submitted to AAALAC. Next, AAALAC evaluators review the program description and conduct their own comprehensive on-site assessment. The entire Council on Accreditation then reviews the site visitors’ report and accreditation is recommended or deficiencies are noted and accreditation is granted only after they are corrected. Accreditation must be re-evaluated every three years.