NUFlex 2005 enrollment for UNMC employees

The annual NUFlex enrollment, which permits employees to make changes to their NUFlex benefits for 2005, has begun with distribution of the 2005 NUFlex benefits material.

Informational meetings also will be held during this period to describe the changes and answer questions about 2005 NUFlex. Meeting schedules can be found on the front inside cover of the NUFlex Benefits Booklet. Should you have any questions regarding this information or the 2005 NUFlex enrollment, call the campus Benefits Office at 559-4340 or 559-5911.

Following is the NUFlex schedule:

Nov. 12 – The NUFlex enrollment packet, including detailed information on all benefits changes and 2005 benefits price tags, were mailed to eligible employees.

Nov. 15 to Dec. 3 – The NUFlex enrollment period provides employees an opportunity to review and, if necessary, complete and return the enrollment material. The deadline for making changes, regardless of whether by paper form or on-line enrollment, is Dec. 3.

Your 2005 NUFlex Change Form should only be returned if you are making changes to your insured benefits and/or enrolling in the reimbursement accounts for 2005 and if you are not enrolling online through Employee Self Service-SAP. If no Change Form is returned and you have not made any changes online, you will keep your current benefits and will not be enrolled in the Reimbursement Account in 2005.

Dec. 10 – The Benefits Confirmation Statement reflecting an employee’s personalized NUFlex benefit choices for 2005 will be mailed.

Additional NUFlex benefit information may be viewed on the University of Nebraska benefits Web page.

Online benefits enrollment

You may submit your NUFlex benefit changes online using the Employee Self-Service – SAP Web site at Submitting your benefit changes online is fast and convenient, and is available as an alternative to completing and returning your NUFlex Change Form. Please note that the Netscape Navigator web browser is not compatible with Employee Self-Service enrollment. More information regarding online benefits enrollment may be found in your NUFlex benefits material. An article in SLUGO and a separate article in UNMC Today also addresses online enrollment and special information for Macintosh computer users. Benefit changes for 2005 must be completed by Dec. 3.

Following is a summary of some of the 2005 changes. Note: This is a summary only. Additional important information regarding 2005 changes are included in your 2005 NU Flex enrollment materials. Please carefully read all information contained in those materials.

Medical insurance

Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical

  • All increases in the university contribution were directed toward raising the medical contribution amount. As a result, NUCredits will remain the same for 2005. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska medical plan price tags for 2005 will increase nominally as a result of favorable claims experience. The average increase for all options combined (Low, Basic, and High) for full time employees is equal to a net monthly out-of- pocket cost of approximately $6.

  • Employees electing to newly enroll and/or add dependents to the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska medical plan must complete and submit to the campus Benefits Office a “Medical, Dental, and Vision Care Insurance Dependent Information Request Form” which is available on the University of Nebraska benefits Web page at

Caremark Prescription Drug Program

The prescription drug copay will increase by an inflationary-sized amount to the following for each 30-day prescription. To promote use of generic drugs, the generic copay will not change.

  • Generic — $10 to $10 (no change)
  • Brand (on formulary/Primary Drug List) — $27 to $28
  • Brand (not on formulary/Primary Drug List) — $43 to $45

An annual $50 deductible is also required for each covered person.

To promote the use of generic drugs, the Generic Drug Rule will be revised to increase generic drug usage. This change will no longer require you to obtain a physician’s approval to purchase a brand name drug when a generic is available since the Dispense as Written (DAW) exception will no longer be recognized. All prescription drug co-pays will correspond to the appropriate formulary/Primary Drug List.

This change, as well as others, may have a significant impact on the co-payments for your prescription drugs. Please review your NUFlex 2005 materials, which include an example of how your co-payment amount may be impacted, very carefully to obtain a full understanding of your potential out of pocket expenses.

Dental insurance

  • Due to favorable claims experience, Blue Cross Blue Shield dental plan price tags will not change in 2005.

  • The dental plan election that you made during or after the 2004 NUFlex enrollment must stay in effect through December 31, 2005. Your next opportunity to enroll or cancel dental coverage will be the 2006 NUFlex enrollment.

Vision care insurance

  • EyeMed vision care price tags will increase $1 to $2 dollars per month in 2005. Increases will depend on the coverage category in which you are enrolled.

  • The vision care election that you made during or after the 2004 NUFlex enrollment must stay in effect through Dec. 31, 2005. Your next opportunity to enroll or cancel vision care coverage will be the 2006 NUFlex enrollment.

Long term disability

  • UnumProvident long term disability premiums will remain at the same level as last year.

Life insurance

  • Life insurance premiums are based on your tobacco/nicotine use. If you did not submit a Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Form during the 2004 NUFlex enrollment, or your tobacco/nicotine status has changed in the last 12 months, a Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Form should be completed and submitted to the campus Benefits Office for evaluation. A Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Form may be obtained from the University of Nebraska benefits Web page at

  • Any material misrepresentation made on your Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Form (either this year or in a prior year), including the tobacco/nicotine use history, may void your insurance, pursuant to the policy’s Incontestable Clause.

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