Nursing faculty present research findings

UNMC College of Nursing faculty recently attended the National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research in Washington, D.C. The Congress provides a forum to explore emerging scientific discoveries related to nursing practice.

The Oct. 7-9 conference, titled “Nursing Science – Working Toward a Healthier Nation,” showcased the contributions of nurse researchers and influenced the national agenda. The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science along with the National Institute of Nursing Research and some of the nation’s top nursing organizations sponsored the biennial event.

The assembly was targeted towards nurse researchers, recognized experts, policy makers, and academic leaders and those who fund nursing research.

UNMC presenters and titles of their poster and/or paper presentations follow.

  • Ann Berger, Ph.D., “Sixty days after completing adjuvant chemotherapyfor breast cancer: Have the symptoms resolved?”

  • Peggy Tidikis Menck, Ph.D., “The Experience of Caring when the Patient is Comatose: A Case Study of Five Nurses.”
  • Mary Cramer, Ph.D., and co-authors, Keith Mueller, Ph.D., Li-Wu Chen, Ph.D., Michael Shambaugh-Miller, Ph.D., and Sangeeta Agrawal, “Predictive Model to Determine Need for Nurses: Findings.” The team’s findings recently were published in Volume 5, Issue 3 of the August issue of Policy Politics and Nursing Practice, a peer-reviewed journal which scrutinizes policies, political activities, and health services research that affect nursing practice across all venues of care delivery.

  • Susan Noble Walker, Ed.D., and Carol Pullen , Ed.D., Patricia Hageman, Ph.D., Linda Boeckner, Ph.D., and Maureen Oberdorfer, “A Tailored Intervention for Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Among Midlife and Older Rural Women.”

  • Carol Pullen, Ed.D., and Susan Noble Walker, Ed.D., Linda Boeckner, Ph.D., Patricia Hageman, Ph.D., and Maureen Oberdorfer, “Use of Theory to Facilitate Lifestyle Behavior Change Among Midlife and Older Rural Women.”

  • Bernice Yates, Ph.D., and co-authors Jan Atwood, Ph.D., Julie Stoner, Ph.D., Joe Norman, Ph.D., Kaye Stanek Krogstrand, Ph.D., Scott Shurmur, M.D., Mark Williams, Ph.D., and Nancy Houston Miller, “Testing an Alternative Method of Delivering Cardiac Rehabilitation.”

  • Lani Zimmerman, Ph.D. and Susan Barnason, Ph.D., “Innovative Use of a Telehealth Device to Deliver A Symptom Management Intervention to Cardiac Surgical Patients.”

  • Bunny Pozehl, Ph.D., Louise LaFramboise, Ph.D., Susan Barnason, Ph.D., and Vicki Norton, “Gender Differences in Patient Knowledge and Perception of Heart Failure” Kathleen Duncan, Ph.D., Bunny Pozehl, Ph.D., Kim Hiser, Kimberly Dierks, Mesha Buman, “Adherence to Dietary and Exercise Recommendations in Patients with Heart Failure.”

  • Rosaline Olade, Ph.D., “Disparities in Health Care: Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease.”

  • Rosaline Olade, Ph.D., Betty Craft, Ph.D., and Sr. Carol Grasser, Ph.D., “Reciprocity and Self Health Care in Older Adults.”