An art exhibit by Fontenelle Elementary School students is on display in the UNMC McGoogan Library of Medicine’s Linder Lounge.
“It’s been fun to showcase the students’ artwork,” said Mary Helms, associate professor and associate director of library resources and technology at the McGoogan Library.
The young artists used a variety of mediums for the sixth floor exhibit, which went on display in April during National Library Week and continues through the end of the month.
The colorful display includes colored drawings of favorite books, paintings of symbolic dragons, pictographs (similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics) on ‘cowhides’ (crumpled paper), American abstract sculptures made of wire and covered with papier mache, and paper sculptures of presidents William McKinley, James Buchanan and James K. Polk.
For the past four years, McGoogan Library staff members have held fund-raising events to purchase new books for the north Omaha school. Fontenelle Elementary also is a partner school of UNMC.
During that time, the UNMC library staff has raised more than $4,500 to help buy books for the Fontenelle Elementary School Library, Helms said. Their fund-raising activities have included book sales, an arrangement with Bruegger’s Bagels to periodically donate a percentage of their sales and a ‘coins for candy’ drive, in which proceeds from candy sold at the McGoogan Library circulation desk go to the school.