Campus leaders hold retreat to map UNMC’s future

UNMC’s plan to achieve world-class status received a boost last week, as campus leaders participated in a retreat on Friday to discuss possible opportunities and potential roadblocks on the path to greatness.

Strategic Planning Definitions

Critical success factors: key strategies that are essential to attaining the vision.

Goals: specific, measurable objectives for each critical success factor. Goals may be multi-year and should be limited to four to six per success factor.

2004-05 targets: measurable outcomes for the next 12 months.

Accountability: the Chancellor will assign leadership and reporting for each goal to a Chancellor’s Council member or other campus leader.

Action plans and teams: the steps necessary to achieve each goal and target and the people who will do the work.

“The strategic planning retreat is a time for UNMC leaders to identify opportunities and to chart the Medical Center’s direction over the next several years,” UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., said. “It provides an opportunity for open discussion among and between campus leaders.”

More than 40 UNMC leaders, including administrators, faculty and students, plus top leaders from The Nebraska Medical Center, spent most of the day Friday at Fontenelle Forest. John Adams, Ph.D., assistant vice chancellor for budget and strategic planning, facilitated the retreat.

Dr. Maurer opened the retreat with his vision for UNMC, and several speakers addressed education, research, The Nebraska Medical Center, community partnerships, cultural competence, economic development and employee loyalty. Most of those PowerPoint presentations can be viewed by clicking here. Several breakout sessions focused on these issues and others.

“We are providing these presentations to all employees because we want to be open about the process through which we reach our strategic decisions,” Dr. Adams said. “The ideas and discussion at the retreat was outstanding. Now, we need to move forward with approving the plan and implementing our action steps.”

On May 11, the Chancellor’s Council is expected to adopt the 2004-2007 strategic plan. That plan will be published around July 1, after team leaders submit action steps, teams and measures to Dr. Maurer. On Aug. 15, the accomplishments from 2003-2004 will be published, and new unit plans will be distributed.

As part of its plan, UNMC has identified 12 key quality indicators. UNMC first presented those quality indicators and their standards, desired outcomes and external references to the NU Board of Regents in 2001. These quality indicators are refined each year.

For an update on UNMC’s progress in those areas and for other planning information, employees can access the 2004 edition of the UNMC Planning Information and Quality Indicators booklet by clicking here.

In addition to UNMC information, the booklet also contains less detailed information about the full University of Nebraska budget and information regarding the state’s economy, politics and demographics.

“This report includes comparative data on UNMC’s performance, relative to our quality indicators and to the campus’ critical success factors,” Dr. Adams said. He emphasized that the strategic plan is not a static document. Each quarter, a report is published, marking the progress on that year’s goals. The current report also is located on the Intranet.

Dr. Maurer called the strategic plan a “living plan.” He noted that resources will be allocated based upon the plan, and unit, department and individual performance plans are aligned with the campus’ strategic plan.

“This year’s plan is forward-looking, innovative and consistent with past plans,” Dr. Maurer said. “This creates excitement for accomplishment on campus.”
If employees have questions about UNMC’s strategic plan, they may e-mail Dr. Adams at

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