Discount tickets available for Dr. Phil’s Omaha event

Employees at UNMC, UMA and The Nebraska Medical Center can purchase discount tickets for the 7 p.m. appearance on April 23 at Qwest Center Omaha by Dr. Phil McGraw, nationally known TV psychologist and best selling author. Discount tickets are available at $78.50 through March 19 by calling (402) 561-7578. This is a reduction of $6.50 from the normal cost of $85.

Known simply as Dr. Phil, the straight-shooting psychologist is best known for phrases such as “What were you thinking?” and “How’s that working for you?” He will visit Omaha as part of his “Get Real Tour” with an inspirational message on how people need to “get real” about their health, fitness, diet, relationships and careers.

“Dr. Phil’s live event is unlike anything you’ve seen, heard or experienced on his television show,” said David Khan, event producer for Dr. Phil. “The Get Real Tour is a dynamic, educational, inspirational and motivational program designed to give people an opportunity to take control of what’s important in their lives as well as a plan of action to start making changes now.”

The event offers a personalized, upfront experience with Dr. Phil, host of one of the most popular talk shows on television and author of three books on the New York Times’ bestseller list, including Self-Matters, Relationship Rescue and The Ultimate Weight Solution. After March 19, tickets to Dr. Phil’s “Get Real Tour” will cost $85 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster at (402) 422-1212.

While in Omaha, Dr. Phil will appear at the Workplace Awards Luncheon for the Wellness Council of the Midlands (WELCOM) on April 23 at Qwest Center Omaha. Cost to attend the luncheon is $60 per person for WELCOM members and $75 for nonmembers. Tickets are available by calling the WELCOM office at (402) 390-8346.

UNMC has been an active member of WELCOM for years. It received the Gold Well Workplace Award from the Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA) and the distinction of being one of America’s healthiest companies in 2003.

During his visit, Dr. Phil will help launch Activate Omaha, a new five-year fitness initiative led by a coalition of health and community groups. The goal of Activate Omaha is to get Omahans physically active through a variety of community programs. Dr. Phil also will help inaugurate the Get Active Omaha Expo, a unique health and fitness exposition that will take place April 23 and 24 at Qwest Center Omaha. The expo, which is expected to become an annual event, will run from 1:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 23 and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on April 24.

“We’re so thrilled that Dr. Phil is coming and lending his credibility and celebrity to our initiative,” said Jeri Engen, project director of Activate Omaha. “We hope that having him here will help motivate and energize more people to get serious about their health, weight and fitness levels, so they’ll choose to get up and get active as a way of reducing the rising incidence of lifestyle-related disease, disability and premature death in our community.”

The expo will include local, regional and national exhibitors and will feature a wide variety of products as well as interactive and educational programs and demonstrations. The Ballard Group of Norfolk, Neb., has partnered with Activate Omaha to coordinate the expo. For information on exhibiting or participating in the expo, contact Beth Bonderson, The Ballard Group, (402) 371-8867 or e-mail Expo tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children ages 5 to 12 and are available at the door.

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