Lotus Notes 6 upgrades

ITS has begun visiting UNMC workstations to upgrade to Lotus Notes 6 with an anticipated completion date of early December. Lotus Notes 6 will provide several new features, including color coded calendar and message entries. Some of the new features, however, will not be available until the Notes “template” is updated from the Notes server. The template will be updated when all workstations in a department have been upgraded to Notes 6.

For handouts describing Notes 6 features, go to https://app1.unmc.edu/helpdesk and click on the Lotus Notes Handouts link. Watch UNMC Today for upcoming Notes 6 classes.

While upgrading Lotus Notes, your workstation will be given a complete check-up by verifying that McAfee Anti-virus, Windows and Microsoft Office files are current. (Note that the majority of workstations have already been updated and automatic update features activated where applicable. ITS thanks the Departmental System Administrators for their part in this process.) Your check-up also will include upgrading or installing applications such as Real Player, Adobe Reader, MS PowerPoint and Internet Explorer to allow you to run upcoming campus applications.

If you have any questions, please contact the Helpdesk at 559-7700.

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