Kim Laursen has read a computer software manual or two, navigated through CD tutorials and produced such winning courses as “My Big Fat Geeky Power Point Presentation,” “Everybody Loves Windows,” and “Footer Fear Factor.”
In doing so, Laursen, education coordinator for UNMC’s Information Technology Services, has taught computer literacy to thousands of UNMC faculty, staff and students. For her outstanding performance and dedication, she has received the Chancellor’s Gold ‘U’ Award for September.
Creativity produces results
“(Kim) is always well prepared, has an excellent ability to communicate the information and exhibits extreme patience,” her nominator said. “You will always find her well prepared and she teaches each class with interest and enthusiasm.”
In a desire to encourage computer literacy, Laursen used television’s May sweeps month to devise such clever course titles as “My Big Fat Geeky Power Point Presentation” and “Everybody Loves Windows.” “Once the campus flyer was delivered, the registration phones began to ring,” her nominator said. “Kim’s creativity produced results as many of the classes were filled to capacity.”
Teaching thousands
That’s not unusual. During 2002, Laursen taught 174 computer courses ranging from Lotus Notes to Access to 1,300 employees. In addition, she taught 20 courses for 400 students. Last year’s numbers are nearly identical.
“I try to schedule classes to meet the demand,” she said. “I like helping people learn how to make their work a bit easier and enjoyable.”
Teaching, translating, then technician
A teacher by trade, Laursen graduated from then-Kearney State College and taught business courses for two years at Millard High School in Omaha. She later worked as a translator for an electronics company so she could use her Spanish-speaking skills. In 1980, she decided to apply to UNMC and a more stable environment.
A training department didn’t exist when she first joined UNMC as an administrative technician. Eventually, the information center, now known as the HelpDesk, was created and she moved into that position.
Tips and tricks
Today Laursen plans, schedules and teaches nearly all of UNMC’s computer training courses. In October 2000, she moved into the Campus Training Center on 42nd Street, where she teaches an average of three courses per week.
It’s not uncommon for Laursen to offer “tips and tricks” that aren’t readily found in computer manuals. She also searches for ways to make the courses entertaining, yet informative. “I come up with many of my ideas in the middle of the night,” she said.
Outside the classroom
Laursen, who grew up in Kearney, also edits the monthly ITS Tips newsletter and enjoys gardening, swimming and walking. In the future, she would like to learn photography and travel the country with her husband, Doug, and teen-age son Mitchell.