‘Everybody Loves the New UNMC Budget Form’ — budgeting session spoofs several TV shows

A new training session is being introduced for personnel who work with grants. The session spoofs several popular TV shows to outline the key components of the new campus budgeting process.

Principal investigators, grant administrators, accountants and support staff can benefit from this educational opportunity. The session will introduce the new UNMC budget form, and proper sponsored programs budgeting will be covered.

The training session will answer these questions:

  • What are the “Eight Simple Rules” for using the new budget form?
  • How can I be a “Survivor” of subcontract budgeting?
  • When is cost sharing important to “Big Brother” and who is “Big Brother”?
  • How do I get out of “Jeopardy” by learning the new budget form at this training session?
  • How should I conduct a “C.S.I.” = Cost Survey Investigation — investigating cost categories to ensure they can be properly expensed?
  • Which items are “Trading Spaces” on the form — where did they go?
    What new information are we asking for nowwww?
  • and so on
  • and so on

The training session will take place on Tuesday, July 22, in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater. Participants will have the choice of two sections being offered — a morning section (8:30 to 11 30 a.m.) or an afternoon section (1-4 p.m.)

“We put on these programs so that as many people as possible can participate,” said Deborah Vetter, director of Sponsored Programs Administration. “With the morning session and the afternoon session, we’re allowing people to choose which time of the day works best for them.”

Sponsored Programs Administration, Sponsored Programs Accounting and the Office of Budget, Analysis and Financial Compliance are providing the training session.

Vetter said that the training session is beneficial to almost all individuals who work with sponsored projects funds.

“The new form will be put into campus-wide use following the training session,” Vetter said. “We anticipate that the campus community will use the new budget for projects submitted for the Oct. 1 deadline.”

Registration is required by Friday, July 18, so that adequate materials can be prepared. Click here to register. If you have questions related to this training opportunity, contact Elizabeth Fowlkes (559-5222 or efowlkes@unmc.edu).

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