‘Relay for Life’ walkers raising funds

More than a dozen walkers from UNMC/NHS will participate in the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” event on June 28-29 at Norris Middle School, 2235 S. 46th St.

Ready to Walk

The 16 walkers who have signed up to walk in the Relay for Life include: Bob Grice, Brandi Grice, Theresa Pikschus, Zoe Prescott, Don Dickmeyer, Darin Armstrong, Rick Boldt, Londa Boeve, Denise Moeller, Jessica Moeller, Paul Straub, Dawn Straub, Deloma Cammarata, Dan Michalak, Jacque-Lyn Wright, and Chelsey Schaefer (who is a cancer survivor at age 27).

Bob Grice, UNMC project coordinator, is organizing the group. Sixteen walkers already have signed up to complete the relay, which begins at 7 p.m. on June 28 and ends at 7 a.m. on June 29. The team must have at least one walker at all times during the event.

“This terrible disease affects so many; this is something we can do to help find a cure,” Grice said.

Members of the group have begun their fund-raising efforts. For the remainder of this week, they’ll sell “suns” and “moons” outside of the Nebraska Café from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The suns are in honor of those fighting cancer or of a cancer survivor, and the moons are in memory of someone lost to cancer.

“The suggested donation is a dollar for each, and we will be sticking up the suns or moons along the wall behind the table,” Grice said. “We’re hoping many people will contribute.”

In addition, the group will sell luminaries, small white bags filled with sand and a candle. During the relay, the luminaries are lighted around the track, representing hope for a cure and the fact that night is the hardest part for those who struggle with cancer. The luminaries are $5 apiece.

“We’ll also have some other fund-raisers and various other events,” Grice said. “The cancer society has asked each of us to raise $100, and we plan to exceed that.”

With questions, call Grice at 559-5261.

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