UNMC, NHS professionals honored for treating the underserved

The Hope Medical Outreach Coalition today honored a variety of individuals and organizations, including UNMC and NHS physicians and clinics, at its first Champions of Hope Award breakfast.

Hope Medical Outreach is a non-profit organization that relies on area health care providers and systems to donate their time to treat those in need. Services are delivered at community health centers and clinics as well as private offices, helping those who otherwise go without care.

Organizations recognized

Alegent Health System
Bergan Mercy Medical Center
Boys Town National Research Hospital
Charles Drew Health Center
Children’s Hospital
Clarkson Hospital
Creighton Medical Associates
Creighton University Medical Center
Council Bluffs Community Health Center
Douglas County Health Dept. & General Assistance
Family Health Care Center
Fred LeRoy Health & Wellness Center
Healthy Kids Project
Immanuel Medical Center
Jennie Edmundson Hospital
Medical Anesthesia Associates
Methodist Health System

Methodist Hospital
Metro Omaha Medical Society
Metro Omaha Medical Society Alliance
Midlands Community Hospital
Nebraska Health and Human Services
Nebraska Health System
Omaha District Dental Society
Omaha Hygienist Association
Omaha Public Schools-Geri Hansen
Omaha Surgical Center
Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center
One World Community Health Center
Our Healthy Community Partnership
Primary Health Care Network
Region VI Behavioral Services
Richard Young Center
Salvation Army

Siena/Francis House
Southwest Medical Center
Stephen Center
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Visiting Nurses Associaton Center
Visiting Nurse Association

“I can’t say enough about the physicians, dentists, other professionals and office staff that help us each and every day,” said Andrea Skolkin, executive director for Hope Medical Outreach Coalition. “The work they do betters our community and truly acts as a safety net for our neediest citizens.”

This week is also national Cover the Uninsured Week, she said.

The breakfast at the Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine Street, also will raise funds for the organization. In addition to honoring Champions of Hope, the event will honor past medical directors, presidents, and executive directors of the organization.

Each year, Hope Medical Outreach Coalition cares for more than 4,000 patients, coordinates more than 1,000 referrals to specialists, facilitates more than 100 surgeries, obtains over $1 million in donated health care, procedures and medications annually, cares for more than 250 dental patients, fills or supports more than 5,000 prescriptions and answers more than 3,000 patient advocacy calls.

It also relies on federal, state, and private grant awards, individual donations along with volunteerism to coordinate patient services. Hope operates in partnership with the Metro Omaha Medical Society and in coordination with the Omaha District Dental Society. Its office are at 2566 St. Mary’s Ave.

Champions of Hope Award Recipients 2002
Benton Kutler, D.D.S.
Harold Tu, M.D., D.M.D., D.D.S.
Kenneth Hermsen, D.D.S.
James Regan, M.D.
Bruce Goldberg, RP & Pharmacy Express Services.
Radiology Consultants.
Midwest Eye Care.
Colon and Rectal Surgery, Inc.
Gastro-Intestinal Associates, P.C.
John Walburn, M.D.
R. Dale Jones, M.D.

Past Medical Directors 1997-2001
Dan Dietrich, M.D.
Gerald Ries, M.D.
Harry Jenkins, M.D.

Past Presidents of Hope 1997-2001
Stephen Smith, M.D.
Mary McNamee, Ph.D.
Mary Ann Borgeson
Sandy Carson
Rev. Jay Gabb
Bill Biggs, Esquire

Past Hope Executive Director 1997-2000
Sandy Johnson

Volunteers recognized for donating their time, services (in alphabetical order)

A through C

Anthony Adelson, M.D.
Stephen Adley, M.D.
Ramalinga Adusumalli, M.D.
Sandra Allbery, M.D.
John Allen, M.D.
Tyrone Alli, M.D.
Joseph Anderson, M.D.
John Anter, M.D.
Patricia Aoun, M.D.
Kimberly Apker, M.D.
Dean Francis Arkfeld, M.D.

Martha Arouni, M.D.
Jason Arthur, M.D.
Thomas Attard, M.D.
Jane Bailey, M.D.
K.C. Balaji, M.D.
John Baker, M.D.
Bruce Baron, M.D.
Tim Baxter, M.D.
Richard Belatti, Jr., M.D.
Michelle Benes, M.D.
Virginia Bereisha, M.D.
Paige Berryman, M.D.
Mary Jane Betterman, M.D.

Shashi Bhatia, M.D.
James Biskup, M.D.
Lisa Bladt, M.D.
Garnet Blatchford, M.D.
Jon Bleicher, M.D.
Curtis Boeck, M.D.
Mary Bonness, M.D.
Carl Boschult, M.D.
Robert Bossert, M.D.
Robert Bowen, M.D.
Suzanne Braddock, M.D.
Randall Brand, M.D.
Byran Bredthauer, M.D.

Julia Bridge, M.D.
Douglas Brouillette, M.D.
Leslie Bruch, M.D.
Thomas Buglewicz, M.D.
Derek Burdeny, M.D.
Mary Burnett, M.D.
Charles Burt, M.D.
Carl Camras, M.D.
Jim Campbell, M.D.
James Canedy, M.D.
Ricardo Cardenas, M.D.
Kevin Cawley, M.D.

David Chait, M.D.
David Chako, M.D.
Harry Chung, M.D.
Wing Chung Chan, M.D.
James Chapin, M.D.
Peter Chilian, M.D.
Rei-Kwen Chiou, M.D.
Roy Chitrita, M.D.
Chris Criscuolo, M.D.
Mark Christensen, M.D.
Paul Christy, M.D.
Peter Cimino, M.D.

Noelle Cloven, M.D.
Elizabeth Cochran, M.D.
Samuel Cohen, M.D.,Ph.D.
Edward Cohn, M.D.
Kim Coleman, M.D.
Paul Coleman, M.D.
John Columbo, M.D.
Kevin Corley, M.D.
Nancy Cornish, M.D.
Joel Cotton, M.D.
Joy Crossman, M.D.
James Cummins, M.D.
Denis Cuka, M.D.
Robert Cusik, M.D.

D through F
Mark D’Agostino, M.D.
Peter Daher, M.D.
Neal Davis, M.D.
Jeoffrey Deeths, M.D.
Michael Del Core, M.D.
Peter DeMarco, M.D.
Sean Denney, M.D.
Timothy Denzler, M.D.
Joann Derby, M.D.
Euclid deSouza, M.D.
Larry-Stuart Deutsch, M.D.
Frank DeVries, M.D.
Dan Dietrich, M.D.
Dominick DiMaio, M.D.

Maud Doherty, M.D.
John Donovan, M.D.
Steven Doran, M.D.
Deborah Doud, M.D.
John Dowell, M.D.
Diana Doyle, M.D.
Carol Drake, M.D.
Edward Drobney, M.D.
Denise Drvol, M.D.
Randall Duckert, M.D.
Douglas Dunning, M.D.
Allen Dvorak, M.D.
Thomas Dworak, M.D.
Gregory Eakins, M.D.
Mario Echavarria, M.D.
Gregory Eckert, M.D.
Lewis Eirinberg, M.D.
Chris Elliott, M.D.
Sheila Ellis, M.D.

Kevin Elson, M.D.
Jane Emanuel, M.D.
Mark Emig, M.D.
Janet England, M.D.
Paul Esposito, M.D.
Alex Esquivel, M.D.
Dennis Esterbrooks, M.D.
Griffith Evans, M.D.
Barry Fanders, M.D.
David Faust, M.D.
Tim Fangman, M.D.
Michael Fee, M.D.
Richard Feldhaus, M.D.
Donald Felix, M.D.
Thomas Ferlic, M.D.
Charles Filipi, M.D.

Jerry Fischer, M.D.
Timothy Fitzgibbons, M.D.
Robert Fitzgibbons, M.D.
Maureen Fleming, M.D.
William Fleming, M.D.
Scott Fletcher, M.D.
Robert Fonda, M.D.
Robert Forbes, M.D.
Joseph Ford, M.D.
Linda Ford, M.D.
Devin Fox, M.D.
Harris Frankel, M.D.
Ingrid Franze, M.D.
Tad Freeburg, M.D.
James Freeman, M.D.
Jim Frock, M.D.
Jonathan Fuller, M.D.

G through K
Annabel Galva, M.D.
Roger Ganfield, M.D.
Miles Gart, M.D.
Hitendra Ghosh, M.D.
Merlyn Gibson, M.D.
Robert Gillespie, M.D.
Mark Goebel, M.D.
John Goldner, M.D.
Steven Gonzalez, M.D.
Caron Jo Gray, M.D.
Herman Greenwald, M.D.
Timothy Greiner, M.D.

Candace Grier, M.D.
Michael Gross, M.D.
Michael Grubb, M.D.
James Gulizia, M.D.
Julie Gulizia, M.D.
Jud Gurney, M.D.
Lanette Guthman, M.D.
John Haas, M.D.
John Haggstrom, M.D.
Francis Hahn, M.D.
Larry Hald, M.D.
Michael Haller, M.D.
Laurence Hanigan, M.D.
Jordan Hankins, M.D.
Kimberly Hanson, M.D.
Gina Harper-Harris, M.D.
William Harrison, M.D.
John Hartigan, M.D.

Frank Hawkins, M.D.
Dennis Hayes, M.D.
Kristie Hayes,M.D.
Linda Head, M.D.
Thomas Hee, M.D.
Thomas Hejkal, M.D.
Patricia Helke, M.D.
Leslie Hellbusch, M.D.
Marvin Henderson, M.D.
James Huerter, M.D.
Barbara Heywood, M.D.
Gregg Hirz, M.D.
Kathryn Hodges, M.D.
Kristin Hoffman, M.D.
Scott Hoffman, M.D.
Richard Holcomb, M.D.

Karen Holdeman, M.D.
M. Jeff Holmberg, M.D.
Steve Hosman, M.D.
Thomas Howard, M.D.
David Scott Hoy, M.D.
Suzanne Hruza, M.D.
Wesley Hubka, M.D.
Christopher Huerter, M.D.
Kent Hultquist, M.D.
Michael Hummel, M.D.
Claire Hunter, M.D.
Barbara Hurlbert, M.D.
John Hurley, M.D.
Jill Hurt, M.D.
George Hutfless, M.D.
Kent Hutton, M.D.
Thomas Imray, M.D.
Gregory Jackson, M.D.

Paul Jacobson, M.D.
Matthew Jaksha, M.D.
David Jasper, M.D.
Barry Javadzadeh, M.D.
Harry Jenkins, M.D.
Brett Jepson, M.D.
Sonny Johansson, M.D.
Carolee Jones, M.D.
Douglas Jones, M.D.
Michael Jones, M.D.
R. Dale Jones, M.D.
Larry Jung, M.D.
Wm. Jurgensen, Jr., M.D.
Becky Kahn, M.D.
Susan Kambhu, M.D.
Anthony Keber, M.D.

Jay Kenik, M.D.
Paul Kenney, M.D.
Donald Kerr, M.D.
Jimmy Khandalavala, M.D.
Parveen Khanna, M.D.
Timothy Kingston, M.D.
Edward Kolb, M.D.
Harvey Konigsberg, M.D.
Steven Koukol, M.D.
Michael Kroeger, M.D.
Robert Kruger, M.D.
Emily Kucera, M.D.
Jane Kugler, M.D.
Richard Kutilek, M.D.
William Kuyper, M.D.

L through O
James Landmark, M.D.
Sandra Landmark, M.D.
Gerald Langdon, M.D.
Thomas Lanspa, M.D.
Daniel Larosa, M.D.
G. Foster Larson, M.D.
Jennifer Larson, M.D.
Howard Lau, M.D.
Richard Legge, M.D.
Lyal Leibrock, M.D.
Gary Liebsch, M.D.
Chris Link, M.D.

John Lindsey, M.D.
Sao John Liu, M.D.
David Lojero,M.D.
Douglas Long, M.D.
Michael Longley, M.D.
Richard Lutz, M.D.
Debra Lyddon, M.D.
Carol Lydiatt, M.D.
Daniel Lydiatt, M.D.
William Lydiatt, M.D.
Joseph Lynch, M.D.
Everett Madson, M.D.
Patrick Mahoney, M.D.
Mark Mailliard, M.D.
Cheryle Manasil, M.D.
Rodney Markin, M.D.
E. Markopoulou, M.D.

Monique Mathews, M.D.
Tim McCashland, M.D.
Rodney McComb, M.D.
Michael McDermott, M.D.
Ed McGill, M.D.
James McGill, M.D.
Thomas McGinn, M.D.
Robert McIntire, M.D.
Carolyn McIvor, M.D.
Stacey McManigal, M.D.
Scott McMullen, M.D.
Lee McNamara, M.D.
Michael McNamara, M.D.
Samuel Mehr, M.D.
Lonnie Mercier, M.D.
Stephanie Meyers, M.D.
Ronald Miller, M.D.

Stephanie Miske, M.D.
John Mitchell, M.D.
Steve Moessner, M.D.
Syed Mohiuddin, M.D.
John Monson, M.D.
Gary Moore, M.D.
Gerald Moore, M.D.
Timothy Moore, M.D.
Robert Moore, M.D.
Aryan Mooss, M.D.
Natalie Morgan, M.D.
Charles Morris, M.D.
Peter Morris, M.D.
Jon Morton, M.D.
Lisa Murray, M.D.

Michael Nabity, M.D.
Annamaria Nagy, M.D.
Chandra Nair, M.D.
Kevin Nelson, M.D.
Nick Nelson, M.D.
Diana Nevins, M.D.
Myrna Newland, M.D.
Stephen Nielsen, M.D.
David O’Dell, M.D.
James O’Dell, M.D.
John O’Gara, M.D.
Frederic Ogren, M.D.
Tom Ohrt, M.D.
Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D.
Albert Olson, II, M.D.
Daniel Olson, M.D.
Michael O’Neil, M.D.
James Ortman, M.D.
Donald Orton, M.D.
O. Douglas Osterholm, M.D.
Donald Owens, M.D.

P through R
Thomas Pagano, M.D.
Subhash Paknikar, M.D.
William Palmer, M.D.
Huiling Pang, M.D.
Arun-Angelo Patil, M.D.
Manju Patney, M.D.
Paul Paulman, M.D.
Ivan Pavkovic, M.D.
Wayne Penka, M.D.
Deborah Perry, M.D.
Iori Persidskii, M.D.
John Peters, M.D.
K. Reed Peters, M.D.
John Peterson, M.D.
Kristi Peterson, M.D.

Marcie Peterson, M.D.
Michelle Peterson-Jones, M.D.
Michael Pettis, M.D.
Lewis Pinch, M.D.
Peter Piperis, M.D.
Samuel Pirruccello, M.D.
David Poage, M.D.
Jeffrey Popp, M.D.
Mark Potter, M.D.
Carlos Prendes, Jr., M.D.
Ira Priluck, M.D.
Trent Quinlan, M.D.
Stanley Radio, M.D.
Angie Rakes, M.D.
John Ramsell, M.D.
Andrew Rasmussen, M.D.

Laurence Raynor, M.D.
Steven Raynor, M.D.
Roalene Redland, M.D.
James Regan, M.D.
Becky Reilly, M.D.
James Reilly, M.D.
Randall Reister, M.D.
Douglas Rennels, M.D.
Christine Reyes, M.D.
Don Rhoden, M.D.
Eugene Rich, M.D.
Alan Richards, M.D.
Gerald Ries, M.D.
Donald Rigler, M.D.
Chris Robertson, M.D.
Nancy Rogic, M.D.
Debra Romberger, M.D.
Jose Romero, M.D.
Jonathan Rouse, M.D.
Karen Rovang, M.D.
Thomas Ruma, M.D.
Richard Runge, M.D.

S through V
Jean Saigh, M.D.
Marina Sanchez-Ellig, M.D.
Aaron Sasson, M.D.
Todd Sauer, M.D.
Mark Saxton, M.D.
Edwin Schafer, M.D.
John Schiffbauer, M.D.
William Schiffermiller, M.D.
Charles Schlaepfer, M.D.
Stu Schlanger, M.D.
Wesley Schleifer, M.D.
Wm. Schlichtemeier, M.D.
Bradley Schroeder, M.D.
Bruce Schroeder, M.D.
Raymond Schulte, M.D.

Michael Schuster, M.D.
Walter Scott, M.D.
Thomas Seemayer, M.D.
Robert Seiler, M.D.
Neil Sergel, M.D.
Gregory Severson, M.D.
Michael Sherman, M.D.
Paul Sherrerd, M.D.
John Sikes, M.D.
Paul Silverstein, M.D.
Gema Simmons, M.D.
Jean Simonson, M.D.
H. Steven Sims, M.D.
Helen Sinh-Dang, M.D.
Larry Siref, M.D.
Dave Sjulin, M.D.

Ann Sjulin, M.D.
Stewart Sloan, M.D.
James Smith, M.D.
William Smith, M.D.
Stephen Smith, M.D.
Sandra Snider, M.D.
Thomas Spoonhour, M.D.
John Spurzem, M.D.
Gregory Stanislav, M.D.
Nicholas Steier, M.D.
Nick Steinauer, M.D.
Richard Stemm, M.D.
Betsy Stephenson, M.D.
Colleen Stice, M.D.
Alex Stolarskyj, M.D.
Joseph Stothert, M.D.
Dennis Strauss, M.D.

Ranjan Sudan, M.D.
Jeffrey Sugimoto, M.D.
James Sullivan, M.D.
Louis Sully, M.D.
Robert Sundell, M.D.
Dale Sutherland, M.D.
Dean Tamisiea, M.D.
Alain Taylon, M.D.
Charles Ternent, M.D.
Michael Thakor, M.D.
Britt Thedinger, M.D.
Forrest Thomas, M.D.
Alan Thorson, M.D.
Michaela Tilgner, M.D.
John Tinker, M.D.
Ken Tiojanco, M.D.

Alan Torell, M.D.
Peter Townley, M.D.
Joseph Townley, M.D.
Robert Townley, M.D.
Sebastian Troia, M.D.
Harold Tu, M.D., D.M.D., D.D.S.
Joe Tuma, M.D.
Donald Van de Water, M.D.
John Vann, M.D.
Gary Volentine, M.D.
Susanna Von Essen, M.D.
Brian Vonk, M.D.

W through Z
John Walburn, M.D.
Craig Walker, M.D.
Michael Walsh, M.D.
Phyllis Warkenton, M.D.
Sam Watson, M.D.
Scott Wattenhofer, M.D.
David Watts, M.D.
Steven Wees, M.D.
Dennis Weisenburger, M.D.
William West, M.D.
Douglas Wheatley, M.D.
Thomas White, M.D.
Peter Whitted, M.D., J.D.
Wesley Wilhelm, M.D.
Cheryl Williams, M.D.
Thomas Williams, M.D.

Michael Wilmot, M.D.
Steven Wilkening, M.D.
Mark Wilson, M.D.
Scott Wilt, M.D.
Martin Winkler, M.D.
James Wisecarver, M.D. Ph.D
James Woodbury, M.D.
John Woodbury, M.D.
Mark Woodruff, M.D.
Anthony Yonkers, M.D.
George Zieg, M.D.
Cecile Zielinski, M.D.
Salvatore Zieno, M.D.
Matthew Zollinger, M.D.
John Zukaitis, M.D.
Raymond Zukaitis, M.D.

Scott Greder, O.D.
Kevin Langel, O.D.
Mary Oberg, O.D.
Matthew Lucas
Michael Cullen, D.P.M.
Kris Dinucci, D.P.M.
Wilfred Gartner, D.P.M.
R. Hilkemann, D.P.M.
Charles Lueck, D.P.M.
J. Little, D.P.M
Nicholas Olari, D.P.M.
James Vuchonich, D.P.M
John Weremy, D.P.M.
Glen York, D.P.M.
Wayne Barkmeier, D.D.S.
David Brown, Ph.D.
Stephen Coffey, D.D.S.
Richard Fitzgerald, D.D.S.
Chris Foix, D.D.S.
Roger Gerstner, D.D.S.
Rick Gilinsky, D.D.S.
Scott Green, D.D.S.

Kenneth Hermsen, D.D.S.
L.T. Higgins, D.D.S.
James Howard, D.D.S.
Thomas Huerter, D.D.S.
Robin Khan, D.D.S.
Darin Kotil, D.D.S.
Benton Kutler, D.D.S.
John Marley, D.D.S.
Rick Martin, D.D.S.
Steven Maurstad, D.D.S.
Michael McDermott, D.D.S.
Kim McFarland, D.D.S.
Scott Morrison, D.D.S.
Dirk Newington, D.D.S.
Harvey Poling, D.D.S., M.S.,M.P.H.
John Reinhardt, D.D.S.
Michael Schilmoeller, D.D.S.
Lourdes Secola, D.D.S.
Paul Shyken, D.D.S.

Kenneth Spanel, D.D.S.
Michael Starkey, D.D.S.
Stacey Sype, D.D.S.
Elizabeth Szeliga, D.D.S.
Fred Tafoya, D.D.S.
Richard Tempro, D.D.S.
Steven Tipp, D.D.S.
Frank Varon, D.D.S.
Jerome Wees, D.D.S.
Deb West, D.D.S.
Gary Westerman, D.D.S.
Terry Wilwerding, D.D.S.
Gwen Hlava, R.D.H., M.S.
Patty Miester, R.D.S., B.S.
Linda Wedberg-Kraft, R.D., B.S.

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