College of Dentistry helps colleagues recovery

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Jenny Wohlers, left, and Sherlyn Cooper at the College of Dentistry’s chili feed. Photo by Peggy Cain, College of Dentistry.

The UNMC College of Dentistry Lincoln recently practiced random acts of kindness for two employees.

Dental Aide Anne Leffers sustained broken ribs, two broken legs, a broken hip and a broken ankle in a car/truck collision on Oct. 2. As soon as co-worker Sue Tatum heard the news she sprang into action. Within days, Tatum had organized a bake sale for Leffers’ benefit.

Through cash donations and the bake sale, the College of Dentistry was able to raise a sizeable amount to help with her expenses during her long recuperation period. Leffers’ landlord, Joan Dietrick, was so moved that she come in to thank those involved. “I thought it was so nice of fellow workers,” she said. “You usually see this from family or friends. It was truly a random act of kindness.”

A group of co-workers also took food baskets with fresh fruit, soups and single serving dishes to Sherlyn Cooper, who schedules all new and emergency patients for the dental college. Cooper recently underwent major surgery and is recovering at home. This past June, Cooper’s husband, the Rev. Don Cooper, suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, which left him unable to walk, speak or return home. The cost of his long-term care and Sherlyn Cooper’s surgery is an enormous burden to the family. On Oct. 28, the Clinic Office held a chili feed. All proceeds went to the Coopers.

Cooper and Leffers are thankful for the kindness and support they have received from the college and their co-workers.

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