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NU Flex 2003 distribution information

The annual NUFlex enrollment, which permits employees to make changes to their NUFlex benefits for 2003, will begin shortly with distribution of the 2003 NUFlex benefits material. Several mailings and meetings will take place to assist employees in understanding changes to the NUFlex benefits and to answer questions regarding enrollment. The schedule is as follows:

  • Nov. 15 — The NUFlex enrollment packet will be mailed to eligible employees. This packet includes the Price Tag Summary (reflecting 2003 benefit price tags), Change Form, Benefits Booklet, a preaddressed envelope for returning the completed NUFlex Change Form, Security Financial Life Statement of Health form, and a NUFlex Newsletter, which provides more detailed information on the benefit changes for 2003.

  • Nov. 18 to Dec. 6 — The NUFlex enrollment period provides employees an opportunity to review and, if necessary, complete and return the enrollment material. Informational meetings also will be held on each campus during this period to describe the programs and answer questions about 2003 NUFlex.

  • Dec. 13 — The Benefits Confirmation Statement reflecting an employee’s personalized NUFlex benefit choices for 2003 will be mailed.

Additional NUFlex benefit information may be viewed on the University of Nebraska benefits Web page at

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