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Costume contest winners at Nebraska Cafe

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From left, Diane McGee, Sean Duffy, Susan Polack and Darcy O’Brien.

Clowns, devils, Snow White and a scarecrow were seen wandering about the Nebraska Café Thursday morning. The unusually dressed group, comprised of approximately 20 UNMC and NHS employees, participated in the cafeteria’s Halloween costume contest.

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Lenal Bottoms and Jackie Johnston of Alumni Affairs respectively dress as a scarecrow and tourist.

This year’s winners were:
  • First place — Susan Polack, UNMC family practice physician assistant, as Belle
  • Second place — Darcy O’Brien, NHS respiratory care services, as Queen Amidela
  • Third place — Diane McGee, NHS geriatrics case manager, as “the woman with three hands.”

Sean Duffy entertained the crowd with his Moog Theremin, an early electronic musical instrument whose tone and pitch are controlled by moving one’s hands through the air at varying distances from two antennas.

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