UNMC Benefits Corner — emergency medical care

The UNMC Human Resources office will be sharing a series of articles designed to help employees better understand their benefits. This first article deals with insurance coverage of emergency medical care.

Emergency medical care and your UNMC Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance

“I need help — this is an emergency!” are words we never want to utter. But if you were in that situation, would you know what to do? Your first priority, of course, is to get the needed medical assistance — either by going to the nearest emergency room, or if necessary, calling an ambulance to your home. Your insurance will pay for ambulance service to the nearest facility where appropriate medical care can be received. Once at the facility, transfer of a patient will only be covered to the nearest appropriate facility for testing and /or procedures that cannot be performed at the present facility.

Benefits for an admission due to an emergency medical condition must be certified by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska within 48 hours of the admission (or the next business day). It is your responsibility to ensure that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska is notified of the admission of a covered person. The local area hospitals are preferred providers under Blue Cross Blue Shield and should do the pre-certification process for you.

Payment for the emergency care and/or necessary hospitalization will be subject to the deductible, co-insurance and stop loss provisions of your Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage.

Send any questions to Benefits@unmc.edu.
Look for your NU Flex 2003 information in mid-November.

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