NU Central Administration Internet domain name change

University of Nebraska Central Administration is in the process of adopting the Internet domain name “” as its official network name. The change was made as part of the conversion to an updated, more consistent identity for the university. The previous domain name, “,” was originally selected primarily for its brevity. When “” became available central administration officials selected it to make its Web site and e-mail communications more user-friendly. The change will affect all e-mail addresses for individuals working in central administration and the University of Nebraska Foundation.

This change will require some adjustments in various systems and records, which should be accomplished quite easily. The process is already under way and central administration is working to ensure that the transition is made with minimal disruption and expense. Most of the transition is being handled seamlessly by Computing Services; central administration and Foundation employees have been asked to notify all individuals with whom they correspond, to update letterhead and business cards as supplies are replenished, and to change any on-line registrations (such as on-line newsletter subscriptions) to reflect the new address.

Central administration has already enabled new e-mail addresses for those who previously had e-mail addresses In addition, e-mail addresses for individuals at the University of Nebraska Foundation will change to: For a short time, both the old “” and the new “” addresses will work, but at the end of 2002, the “” addresses will become the only e-mail address.

Please note: E-mail addresses and Web site URLs for the four University of Nebraska campuses will NOT change. However, personal address book entries should be changed to reflect new addresses for colleagues in central administration and the Foundation.

The University of Nebraska Web site has also been completely renovated and the URL changed to While visitors to the old site and most of its pages are currently being redirected, this cannot be done indefinitely. Bookmarks and links should be updated to maintain access to the site (and avoid the dreaded “link rot”).

If you have any questions about the domain name change decision, contact me at Questions regarding the change process/plan contact Greg Gray in Computing Services at

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