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UNMC/NHS segment not on ABC’s Good Morning America

UNMC/NHS did not appear Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America as planned.

Bill Cunningham, ABC producer, contacted UNMC Public Affairs Monday to say the segment was bumped because of time constraints. “So sorry,” he said in an e-mail. “It’s a winner.”

Cunningham spent a day on the UNMC/NHS campus in July to gather footage for the three-minute segment, which was to be part of Good Morning America’s “50 States, One Nation, One Year” series.

The segment was to highlight the UNMC/NHS Lied Transplant Center and the husband-and-wife transplant team of Lucile Wrenshall, M.D., Ph.D., and Brian Stevens, M.D., Ph.D. UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., also was interviewed for the segment, addressing UNMC/NHS’ role in bioterrorism preparedness and cellular transplantation.

Two other segments on Nebraska did air. One involved driving a red convertible across the state to showcase state attractions. The other segment featured Sen. Chuck Hagel and a homestead bill that provides incentives for people to remain in small towns and on their farms.

Although the UNMC/NHS segment will no longer appear on Good Morning America, an edited version did air today at 2:15 a.m. on ABC’s “World News Now.” The story was narrated by Dr. Nancy Snyderman, an ABC health reporter who is a UNMC College of Medicine alumnus.

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