Omaha Women’s Health and Wellness Conference to be held Friday, Oct. 25, at Georgetown Club, 141st & Center

The fifth annual Omaha Womens Health and Wellness Conference will be

held Friday, Oct. 25, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Georgetowne Club, 2440

S. 141st Circle. The conference will feature educational health and wellness

exhibits and screenings, continental breakfast and luncheon, two keynote

speakers and seven educational lectures on heart health. It is sponsored

by the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) Olson Center for Womens

Health, the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska Health System (NHS)

and Wellness Council of the Midlands.

The cost of the conference is $30, which includes breakfast, lunch,

lectures and 25 exhibits. Limited scholarships are available for women

with financial restrictions. Nurses can receive 5.3 continuing education

credits for an additional $30. Free health screenings will be available.

Low cost screenings will be available, including glaucoma, blood pressure,

cholesterol and thyroid function screenings, as well as flu shots.

Scheduled breakfast keynote speaker is Monique Kusler, M.D., UNMC/NHS

cardiologist, whose lecture will be titled, Women and Coronary Artery

Disease. Luncheon keynote speaker will be Juli Burney, a motivational

humorist, with a lecture titled, She Who Laughs Lasts. Conference attendants

can choose from a variety of sessions. A morning general session titled,

More Energy, Please!, will be presented by Amy Schmidt, a registered

dietician from the Dairy Council of Nebraska.

Sessions to choose from at 1:15 p.m.:

Kicking the Stress Habit, Cynthia Jenkins, Ph.D., and Michelle Millard,

Veritas Consulting

Making Fitness Fun, Affordable and Great for Your Health, Debra Parker,

Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Winnebago U.S. Public Health Service Indian Hospital

Screening for Heart Disease, Cholesterol and More, Atul Ramachandran,

M.D., Nebraska Heart Institute

Sessions to choose from at 2:15 p.m:

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Alternatives, Karen Olson, M.D.,

UNMC Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology

Motivational Strategies to Get Fit and Stay Fit, JoAnn Eickhoff-Shemek,

Ph.D., UNO School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure, Shirley Blanchard, Salem Baptist


Registration deadline is Friday, Oct. 18. For more information or to

register, call 559-6345 or see