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UNL, UNMC collaborative research grants sought

Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are being asked to submit proposals that would combine research expertise of the two campuses.

The UNL / UNMC Research Collaboration Grants Program began in 2000, and the projects that were funded in the first cycle have yielded proposals for NIH funding. For the present cycle, a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been sent to all members of the UNMC and UNL faculty, with letters of intent due on July 16 and the deadline for full proposals set for Aug. 1.

“There are several key areas of research complementary between UNL and UNMC,” said Thomas Rosenquist, Ph.D., vice chancellor for research at UNMC. “We need to exploit the possibilities offered by these areas, for research growth and increased funding.”

A total fund of $200,000 is available in this grants program, with a $100,000 maximum awarded per proposal. Priorities for funding in 2002 include those projects that involve biomedical imaging/biomedical engineering, cancer, anti-bioterrorism and infectious diseases. All project areas must be aligned with National Institutes of Health programs, to allow submittal ob subsequent proposals to the NIH.

Funds that will be awarded can be used for supplies and technical support only, including salaries for post-doctoral fellows. They may not be used for travel or equipment, remodeling or construction, recruitment start-up packages, faculty salaries, or to replace current funding.

The proposals will be reviewed and ranked by external and/or internal reviewers with appropriate expertise. Final funding decisions will be made by Dr. Rosenquist and Prem Paul, Ph.D., vice chancellor for research at UNL.
Questions from UNMC faculty should be e-mailed to Dr. Rosenquist.

“I look forward to seeing the proposals. This is an exciting program that gives UNMC investigators an opportunity for exciting and fruitful collaborations with our sister campus in Lincoln,” Dr. Rosenquist said.

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