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UNMC sizzles at BIO 2002 convention

UNMC recently showcased its sizzling biotechnology opportunities at the BIO 2002 International Biotechnology Convention and Exhibition in Toronto.

The Nebraska contingent — which included several UNMC employees — attended the largest biotechnology convention in the world in an effort to raise awareness for Omaha’s biotechnology programs. More than 15,000 delegates attended the June 10-12 convention, which featured more than 800 exhibitors at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

“Our booth was a hit,” said Elizabeth Kumru of UNMC’s Public Affairs. “It was well coordinated and delegates identified with our theme — Bio’s Hot in Omaha.”

A Canadian newspaper also took notice of Omaha and their giveaway — a red tote bag. On June 13, The Globe and Mail published a photo of one of the delegates carrying two tote bags with goodies — one of which read “Bio’s Hot in Omaha/UNMC is sizzlin’ with biotech opportunities.”

Sizzle — the robotic dog — also attracted attention to the UNMC booth. More than 2,000 people left business cards at the Omaha/UNMC booth during the three-day event. Those individuals were eligible for a drawing for Sizzle. When the convention ended, Chad Carson of Buffalo, N.Y., went home with a new robotic friend.

“It was very successful,” said Marsha Morien of UNMC’s Business & Finance Department. “Sizzle certainly did woo the audience, as did our friendly approach in talking, meeting and greeting people. The people who are attending are starting to recognize us and our opportunities.”

For the second consecutive year, the Nebraska contingent involved a partnership spearheaded by UNMC and its technology transfer company, UNeMed. Other partners included the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, the Omaha Public Power District and three area biotechnology companies — American Laboratories and Lab-InterLink, both of Omaha, and Nature Technologies of Lincoln. Last year’s convention was in San Diego.

BIO2003 will be June 22-26, 2003 in Washington, D.C.

Photos in descending order: 1) UNMC’s Elizabeth Kumru with Chad Carson of Buffalo, N.Y. Carson was the winner of the UNMC drawing for Sizzle the robotic dog; 2) UNMC’s Marsha Morien with Carson.

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