Awards ceremony for UNMC/Creighton Joint Neurology Residency Program

Neurologists and neurosurgeons from throughout the community came together June 6 to hold the first ever awards banquet for the UNMC/Creighton Joint Neurology Residency Program at The Champions Club.

Pierre Fayad, M.D., director of the Joint Neurology Residency Program, and the Reynolds Centennial Professor and chairman of the UNMC department of neurological sciences, said he intends for the awards banquet to become an annual event.

“This is a great way to recognize our graduating residents, the residents that will continue in our program, our faculty who serve as teachers and mentors, the community neurologists who teach and provide clinical experience for our residents, and our staff. They all help move our program forward,” Dr. Fayad said.

“Our goal and mission is to have one of the best neurology residency programs in the country. Without the assistance of the residents, faculty and community neurologists and neurosurgeons this would not be possible.”

John Bertoni, M.D., chairman of the Creighton University department of neurology, and James Armitage, M.D., dean of the UNMC College of Medicine, participated in the awards ceremony.

Dr. Armitage noted that UNMC’s department of neurological sciences started on April 1, 2001 – exactly one year after Dr. Armitage took over as dean of the College of Medicine.

He praised Dr. Fayad for his efforts during his first year at UNMC. “We’re lucky to have Pierre,” Dr. Armitage said. “I echo what Dr. John Goldner (a community neurologist) said earlier. It’s going to be a lot of fun watching what happens in this department over the next few years.”

In addition to Dr. Fayad’s leadership, Dr. Armitage said three other factors have come together to bolster the neurological sciences program – effective interaction with Creighton University, excellent support from community neurologists, and outstanding cooperation among the neurologists and neurosurgeons at UNMC.

Those individuals recognized at the event were: Blanca Marky, M.D., graduating resident; John Puente, M.D., resident of the year, and Jinan Al-Omaishi, M.D., teacher of the year.

Appreciation plaques were given to five community neurologists –Dr. Goldner, Ronald Cooper, M.D., Robert Ellingson, M.D., Ph.D., John Aita, M.D., and Jason Ohr, M.D., — as well as Lyal Leibrock, M.D., professor and chief of the neurosurgery section of the UNMC department of surgery, and Mike McGlade, UNMC internal medicine administration. These awards were given in appreciation for the friendship and support provided to the UNMC department of neurological sciences.

Dr. Fayad said two new residents, Ramesh K.J. Adayalampet, M.B.B.S., and Vahid Taghavi, M.D., will join the program this summer.

He also introduced Sanjay Singh, M.D., who will be joining UNMC’s neurological sciences faculty in July. Dr. Singh is presently completing his fellowship in epilepsy at Yale University. Dr. Singh’s task will be to build and lead the Nebraska Epilepsy Program at UNMC and Nebraska Health System, the first comprehensive program of its kind in Nebraska and the surrounding areas.

Photos in descending order: 1) James Armitage, M.D., Ronald Cooper, M.D., Pierre Fayad, M.D., John Goldner, M.D., Mike McGlade and Jason Ohr, M.D.; 2) John Puente, Blanca Marky, Deb Dover, Marian Everson, Fred Samimi and John Bertoni; 3) Sanjay Singh, M.D.

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