UNMC College of Nursing, 25 Nebraska Hospitals, including Mayo Clinic, to Host Open House, Job Fair for those interested in Nursing

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing and Omaha

and Lincoln chapters of the Nebraska Student Nurse Association, will host

an open house and job fair on Saturday, March 9, from noon to 2 p.m. The

event is targeted toward those interested in learning about nursing careers,

advanced nursing degrees and available jobs in nursing.

The open house will be held on the 2nd floor of the UNMC College of

Nursing, located on 42nd Street & Dewey Ave., in Omaha. Represented

will be 25 hospitals from across Nebraska, as well as the Mayo Clinic and

representatives from Houston, Boise, Id., and the United States Air Force

and U.S. Army.

Those who attend can learn about UNMC College of Nursing programs, including

degrees available through distance technology, as well as financial aid,

scholarships, tuition reimbursement, loan repayment and summer internships.

Information will be available from the Office of Student Equity and Multicultural


Faculty members will be available to answer questions about their specialties.

Tours of the college also will be available.

The event is being held to promote nursing education and opportunities.

The nursing shortage in Nebraska is cause for concern among nursing colleges,

hospitals, Nebraskans and legislators who are working together on a solution.

As the population ages, the shortage is expected to worsen if not successfully



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