UNMC, city work to ease traffic congestion

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents Saturday approved an agreement with the City of Omaha for the construction of turning lanes in several streets on or adjacent to the UNMC campus.

Past traffic design studies have indicated the need for improved access to the campus, but construction of a 10-level Research Center of Excellence and 1,551 vehicle parking garage led campus officials to expedite plans for improving the traffic flow in and around campus. As a result, turning lanes have been proposed for:

  • 40th and Leavenworth streets
  • 41st and Leavenworth streets
  • Saddle Creek Road and Emile Street
  • Plans also include constructing three driving lanes on Emile Street from 45th Street to Saddle Creek Road.

“We’re trying to ease the traffic congestion for people coming to campus, as well as make it more convenient for employees,” said Delmer Lee, associate vice chancellor and director of finance and business services at UNMC. “We have known from previous traffic studies that much of our traffic congestion occurs at the Saddle Creek Road and Leavenworth Street intersections so we have been working with the city to find a solution. The construction of the research building and new parking garage simply accelerated our plans for adding turning lanes in these areas.”

The 286,500-square-foot Research Center of Excellence is scheduled for completion in September 2003. The parking garage should be finished this fall. Both are being built near 45th and Emile Streets. The City of Omaha will manage and bid the total project, as well as pay $85,775. UNMC/NHS will pay $775,000. Plans call for the project to be completed this spring.

In other construction news, the UNMC campus provided board members a written update on the design of the new $19.3 million parking garage. The design has changed slightly since January 2001 when the board approved the program statement for a five-level parking garage for approximately 1,486 vehicles. With the design phase completed, the project will yield a six-level parking structure for approximately 1,551 vehicles. The cost of the project remains unchanged.

The additional level and parking spaces resulted after designers determined it would be more economical to use the existing grade to retain Emile Street, plus partial floor plates on levels one and two, rather than build a five-level garage with a retaining wall.

Although UNMC will manage and maintain the garage, Omaha Public Power District will lease the entire first level of the garage — which consists of a high bay storage area and 87 parking spaces — and 100 parking spaces on level three. Construction should be completed in November.

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