Public, Health Professionals Invited to UNMC/NHS Breastfeeding Conference

 The Olson Center for Womens Health at the University of Nebraska

Medical Center will hold a one-day Breastfeeding: Babys Natural Choice

conference on Wednesday, August 29, to provide education on the benefits

of breastfeeding, as well as insight into research on breastfeeding and

management of breastfeeding problems and concerns. Keynote speaker will

be Thomas Hale, Ph.D., associate professor of pediatrics and pharmacology

at Texas Tech University, author of the popular books, Medications and

Mothers Milk and Clinical Therapy in Breastfeeding Patients.

The conference, Breastfeeding: Babys Natural Choice, will run from

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Convention Centre, 3321 S. 72nd St.

The purpose of the conference is identify medications that are or arent

compatible with breastfeeding, methods of managing common problems, diet,

and Internet resources on breastfeeding. Topics include: antidepressant

medications and breastfeeding; breastfeeding in protein-sensitive babies;

mothers nutritional needs during special circumstances; breastfeeding

and infants with oral feeding problems; and a panel on understanding cultural

influences in breastfeeding.

The Olson Center for Womens Health and Nebraska Health System is sponsoring

the conference in cooperation with the UNMC College of Nursing and UNMC

Center for Continuing Education. In addition to Dr. Hale, also speaking

at the conference will be health professionals from UNMC, NHS, Douglas

County Health Department, Childrens Hospital, KETV (Channel 7), and Ponca

Health and Wellness Center.

Though the conference is targeted toward health professionals and breastfeeding

advocates, the public also is invited. The conference registration fee

is $65, which includes lunch, refreshments and handout materials. Student

registration fee is $45. Continuing education credit will be available

for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lactation consultants and registered

dieticians. To get a conference brochure, visit or call

(402) 559-6345.


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