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UNMC College of Dentistry to Host 15th Annual Professionals’ Day March 16, to Highlight Academic, Research, Professional Activities in Dentistry

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry in Lincoln

will host its 15th Annual Professionals Day and 34th Annual Student Scientific

Program on Friday, March 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the East Campus Student

Union. The event celebrates scholarly activities and provides students,

faculty and the dental community an opportunity to share professional and

academic activities.

It will be held in the Great Plains Room in the East Campus Union on

the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, located at 37th & Fair streets,

just north of Holdrege.

Activities will include the Annual Student Scientific Program at which

students will display dentistry projects from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The Frank

M. Wentz Memorial Lecture, featuring speaker, Richard Carr, Jr., D.D.S.,

deputy executive director of the American Dental Education Association

(ADEA), will be held at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Carrs speech is titled, A Sense

of Urgency in Addressing Future Oral Health Care Needs Planning Today

for the Demands of Tomorrow.

Faculty and students will be honored with awards and recognition at

2 p.m. In addition, a College of Dentistry faculty member will be named

the first recipient of the F. Gene and Rosemary Dixon Chair in Dentistry.

The Dixons, long-time contributors to the college, established a $500,000

fund through the University of Nebraska Foundation to create the colleges

first endowed chair. Earnings from the endowment will be used to provide

a stipend for educational and research activities of the recipient.


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