On Oct 23, 2020, more than 30 participants attending our 4th “Virtual” Annual Meeting. Five exceptional individual/groups presented the use of simulation, virtual reality or 360 video to enrich medical education and research. If you were not able to attend, please check out the recorded sessions!
A team of health educators from UNMC College of Dentistry demonstrated the use of technology, virtual eye-class, to teach dental students. (Recorded Video)A team of graduate students from the Department of Psychology, UNL, presented VR applications for reducing sexual violence. (Recorded Video)SIM X from VR industry community introduced the medical simulation training platform. (Recorded Video)The UNMC iEXCEL Team updated the initiatives and projects from the state-of-the-art Davis Global Center, UNMC. (Recoded Video)NeVRNER Leadership Team member, Tess McKinney, shared a variety of online tools and assistance for education in 2020. (Recorded Video)
Thanks all presenters again. Hope to see you all in 2021 Annual Meeting!