University of Nebraska Medical Center

Team Science Administrative Supplements

TREM1 as a Novel Therapeutic Target for Global Ischemia Induced Neuroinflammation, Neuronal Death and Cognitive Deficits

Project Leaders: Drs. Jee-Yeon Hwang, Holly Feser-Stessman, and Gopal Jadhav (Creighton University)

"PRANK-Generations" Study: Elucidating the Effects of Polygenic AD Risk on Brain, Cognitive, Socioemotional and Behavioral Outcomes in Development and Aging using a Novel Multimodal Approach and a Multigenerational Sample

Project Leaders: Drs. David Warren, Jieqiong Wang, Kuan-Hua Chen (UNMC), and Janelle Beadle (UNO)