Medical Students

Dr. Olga Taraschenko guides a student in performing a simulated lumbar puncture.
Neurology education is one of the Department of Neurological Sciences' top priorities. We welcome our students and embrace their interest in the nervous system, the most intriguing and beautiful organ system in the body.
There are several clerkships and rotations that our medical students can choose to enhance their neurological knowledge. For M3 students, we offer a three-week selective as part of the outpatient internal medicine clerkship. For M4 students, we offer four-week clinical and research clerkships. M4 students may also pursue off-campus rotations in Neurology.
M3 Neurology Selective:
- This three-week rotation can be selected during the student's internal medicine clerkship rotation.
- Students rotate from Monday through Friday. Weekends and university holidays are free, and there is no call requirement. Students desirous of an on-call experience can request this as part of the rotation.
- The student rotation includes the following experiences:
- Inpatient neurology
- Stroke service neurology
- Outpatient neurology
- One-on-one neurological examination training
- Self-paced learning through Canvas
- Formal live lectures
- This four-week rotation includes exposure to inpatient and outpatient neurology.
- Students rotate from Monday through Friday. Weekends and university holidays are free, and there is no call requirement. Students desirous of an on-call experience can request this as part of the rotation.
- The rotation includes the following experiences:
- Inpatient neurology
- Stroke service neurology
- Outpatient neurology
- One-on-one neurological examination training
- Self-paced learning through Canvas
- Formal live lectures
- M4s are expected to interact with patients and the rest of the team at a sub-I level. Independent patients, both inpatient and outpatient, will be provided. M4s may follow more than one patient during rounds. The M4 student's experience will include seeing complex patients independently and reviewing cases with the team.
- The M4 rotation includes more flexibility. Students can request more active involvement with specific teams or clinics if desired.
M4 Neurology Clinical Research Rotation (Rotation NEUR-790)
- This elective offers students an opportunity to work individually with a Neurological Sciences faculty member and participate in ongoing research projects.
- The goals and expectations for each rotation are individually agreed upon between the student and the faculty supervisor, based on the student's objectives.
- This rotation requires some advance preparation; and therefore, we suggest finding a mentor and agreeing on rotation goals a few months in advance of the desired rotation date. Dr. Kiel Woodward, the clerkship director, is happy to discuss potential mentors and projects with interested students.
- External rotations are arranged based on the student's academic goals, residency interests, etc.
- Students should meet with the clerkship director, Dr. Kiel Woodward, or with their own advisor in the Department of Neurological Sciences to learn which programs would be best for their goals.
- Once the rotation is approved by the clerkship director, it is arranged through the Office of Admissions and the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS).
More information about the Neurological Sciences clerkships is available on the clerkships' Canvas pages, called M3Neuro (Neurology Clerkship M3/M4).