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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Ezequiel Piccione, MD

Associate Professor, Neuromuscular Disease, UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences


Ezequiel Piccione

Ezequiel Piccione, MD, is board-certified in neurology and electrodiagnostic medicine and certified in in neuromuscular medicine. He graduated from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2007. Between 2008 and 2012, he performed a preliminary year of internal medicine and neurology residency at University Hospitals-Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He then did a one year fellowship in Neuromuscular Medicine and EMG at the same institution under Bashar Katirji, David Preston and Barbara Shapiro. Afterwards, he spent a year at Mayo Clinic-Minnesota doing a fellowship in Peripheral Nerve disorders where he worked under P.J. Dyck and P.J.B. Dyck, C.J. Klein and Philip Low. He then came over to the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2014 as a staff physician in the Department of Neurological Sciences. He is board-certified in neurology and electrodiagnostic medicine.

Dr. Piccione does electrophysiologic studies to help diagnose neuromuscular diseases and also conducts autonomic testing to diagnose and grade the severity of autonomic disorders, performing skin biopsies to diagnose small fiber neuropathy.

  • University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, MD (2007)
  • University Hospitals of Cleveland-Case Western Reserve University, Medical Internship (2008-2009)
  • University Hospitals of Cleveland-Case Western Reserve University, Residency (2009-2012)
  • University Hospitals of Cleveland-Case Western Reserve University, Fellowship (2012-2013)
  • Mayo Clinic-Rochester, Minnesota, Fellowship (2013-2014)
Patient Care
Dr. Piccione provides patient care through Nebraska Medicine at Clarkson Doctors Building North. View his Nebraska Medicine provider profile.