Anna Dunaevsky, PhD
Professor, Developmental Neuroscience, UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences

Dr. Anna Dunaevsky is a Professor of Developmental Neuroscience at the University of Nebraska Medical Center for Genetics and Rehabilitation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She received her postdoctoral training studying neuronal development at Columbia University.
- Hebrew University, Jerusalem, BSc Biology and Psychology (1990)
- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, MSc, Neurobiology (1992)
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst, PhD, Neurobiology (1997)
Synaptic development, experience dependent plasticity, neuron-glia interaction, neurodevelopmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders, Fragile X Syndrome and dynamics of Cerebellar Purkinje Dendrites.
- Society for Neuroscience
The research in her lab focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the formation, maintenance and modification of synapses in the brain. Central to her work is the use of experimental models for human neurodevelopmental disorders and the study of learning induced changes in synaptic structure and function.
Durham Research Center II, 3028 Omaha, NE 68198