University of Nebraska Medical Center
Child playfully sticking tongue out at camera, Adobe Stock.

Severe Behavior

Improving Behavior and Quality of Life Through Transformative Interventions

The Munroe-Meyer Institute's Department of Severe Behavior Disorders specializes in services for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities who display destructive behavior.

Therapy includes transformative interventions for families and caregivers whose children are exhibiting difficult, extreme or self-harming behaviors.

Severe behavior occurs in about 10–15% of children with developmental disabilities and other complex health care needs.

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Program Focus

Our programs offer services to school-aged children (ages 3–21) who display severe behavior problems that interfere with daily life. Our team provides treatment to improve quality of life for children, adolescents and caregivers.

Children receiving services from our programs typically have concerns that include aggression, self-injury, pica or property destruction that pose a significant risk to self, others or the environment and who cannot be safely managed or effectively treated in a less-intensive program.

Effects of Severe Behavior Problems in Children

  • Significant health risks to self and others.
  • Interrupted learning and development.
  • Immeasurable stress and hardship to families.
  • Be at risk for long-term institutionalization.

Treatment Programs

All programs include an initial evaluation and post-program caregiver training, and children move through programs based on individual need.

Appointments and Referrals

  • Appointments for these services are not scheduled through MMI's Patient Information Office.
  • Call the MMI Department of Severe Behaviors directly at to make an appointment.

Caregiver Training

Once an effective treatment is developed, we offer caregivers training on how to use it. Training looks different for each family but can include written and spoken instruction, modeling, role-play and feedback.

Parent smiling nose to nose with child, Bruno Nascimento - Unsplash.

Department Mission

The mission of MMI's Department of Severe Behavior Disorders is to improve quality of life for caregivers and their children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities who display destructive behavior. We aim to achieve this by providing the most advanced, comprehensive and effective treatment services and continuing the advancement of treatments through clinical research.

Patient Resources

We believe that providing resources that are helpful and understandable is equally important to patient care.

You are Welcome Here

MMI is committed to ensuring access to high-quality care for all patients and fostering welcoming spaces for faculty, staff and students to learn and work. We believe that promoting a sense of community positively impacts well-being and cultivates long-term relationships that broaden MMI’s reach and deepen our understanding in the communities we serve.

Our Commitment to Access and Engagement

Two people seated at table talking, Divine Techy Girl - Pexels.

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