University of Nebraska Medical Center

Appointments & Referrals

Caregiver and child smiling, Kampus Production - Pexels.

Before Making an Appointment

Our services are billed through Nebraska Medicine, even though individuals are seen by a Munroe-Meyer Institute provider and/or at an MMI Clinic.

Because of this, it is a good idea for patients and caregivers to first contact their insurance company or payer to verify coverage and confirm that Nebraska Medicine and MMI providers are participants in their insurance plan.


We value access for all patients and participants and are pleased to provide reasonable accommodations for appointments. Please share requests for accessibility needs when scheduling your appointment.

Forms and Registration

Completed forms are often needed prior to scheduling an appointment. Our intake specialists will help provide the forms needed for your appointment.


Individuals can request their own appointment at MMI for most services (self-referred) or they can be referred by a physician or other health care professional, school district, social service agency, family member or caregiver.

Schedule an Appointment

Appointments for most services are scheduled through our Patient Information Office.

402-559-6418  Email

Email Appointment Procedure

When emailing our Patient Information Office for an appointment, please provide the following information:

  • Patient's full name and date of birth.
  • The department, or provider's name, you're looking to schedule with.
  • Reason for appointment.
  • Accessibility accommodation requests.
  • Your contact information (name, phone number, and/or email address) and relation to the patient.

We will contact you within a few days to ask more information needed to schedule your appointment.


Care Coordination

Our Care Coordination program includes a team of professionals, social workers, service coordinators, parent resource coordinators and interpreters. If you are seeking answers, a clinical diagnosis, services or resources, Care Coordination is here to help.

When making an appointment, ask for time with Care Coordination.

“MMI Care Coordination can assist navigating the health care system after a diagnosis or helping provide resources and a plan of care.”

Maggie Neujahr

Maggie Neujahr, CSW

Manager, Care Coordination